Courage over Cowardice with Sam Masteller


We’re emboldening the courageous in a culture overpopulated with cowards. Lean in as Pastor Sam Masteller interviews individuals who take a bold stand for truth, and unapologetically expose deception within our professional fields, societal arenas, educational systems, news media, government, and churches. Gain insight and knowledge that will help you apply a biblical worldview to your life so that you can experience the freedom and fullness God intended.

DoubleARanch: American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, surviavalist self-sufficiency learners and educators, extreme 2A enthusiasts and prayerful stewards of what we have on loan from God. Verified


American Patriot Christian Remnant, Homesteaders, Alpaca ranchers and lovers of God's greatest comedians...critters of all kinds but especially dogs. We are 2A enthusiasts, and veracious readers of our founding fathers and historical documents. In addition to educate other true conservatives for a return to traditional Paideia. This is the original liberal arts education for our children stemming from ancient Greece and Rome. This includes the basic 7 parts of a classical liberal arts education or a virtuous “Paideia” : Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music and Astronomy later to include Philosophy, Science, and Art. All were the education of our ancestors whether at home or Christian based and founded Universities.

!NSP!R!NG M!NDS with : Edward: Fitzgerald


!NSP!R!NG M!NDS with Edward Fitzgerald explores the core philosophy that human potential is both Unbounded and Unlimited. Edward hosts a variety of inspirational individuals from Authors to Olympians, World Record holders to World Changers, and Everyday people who have become Extraordinary people by overcoming adversity and against the odds found the passion and positivity to follow their dreams. About the Host: Award winning Author & Film Producer, Creator of the Maximum Impact Philosophy, a Maverick Leader, a Father of 3 and a Humanitarian on a mission to “Transform 3 billion lives, one mind at a time” Prior to Edward’s full recovery from a traumatic brain injury, the result from a yachting accident in 2011, he founded and operated a specialist technology consultancy and has launched 4500+ innovative products/services into 80 countries. The books and films were all created subsequent to his brain injury, he now strives to apply the core philosophy that human potential is both Unbounded and Unlimited by inspiring and empowering others to know who they truly are on an emotional, energetic, spiritual and intellectual level.

Matthew Ward.


Matthew. - IMPORTANTI TRASMISSIONI - 11 👽 Matthew. LUCE vs. OSCURITÀ. Progresso. ET Atterraggio di astronavi, informazioni false, civiltà evolute,-informazioni-false,-civilta-evolute.html Matthew Ward. Gioia al Mondo. DIO Grazie, Mattew, e vi saluto, miei amati figli!,-mattew,-e-vi-saluto,-miei-amati-figli-.html Matthew Ward Fornisce una Nuova Mappa del Cielo Messaggio di Matthew Ward distribuzione della Luce e la Terra Matthew-ward Assistenza Extraterrestre, Azione In Corso , Elon Musk,-azione-in-corso,-elon-musk.html Matthew-ward pulizzia planetaria -nolink?- Matthew Ward. Notizie dal mondo. La scuola di domani Matthew. La Verità basterebbe a sopraffare anche la mente più forte se tutto fosse presentato in un seminario. -nolink?- Matthew. Messaggio del 3 marzo 2022 Messaggio di Matthew via Suzy Ward, 15 maggio 2019.,-15-maggio-2019..html Matthew. Scienza e spirito sono la stessa cosa. Kryon. La coscienza è multidimensionale.