21Uhr Bitcoin Podcast


Hallo lieber Bitcoin Freund, unser Podcast ist zu 100% zuschauerspendenfinanziert auf dem Bitcoin Standard und soll das auch bleiben. Das heißt kein Bullshit, keine Werbung, keine Bezahlschranken & kein Clickbait. Wenn Dir unsere Show gefällt und Dich zum Thema Bitcoin weiter bringt, freuen wir uns über eine kleine Value-4-Value Bitcoin Zuwendung über Lightning oder Onchain, damit wir weiter wachsen und Dir auch zukünftig uneingeschränkten Free & Open Source Bitcoin Content liefern können. 👉🏻LINK (https://coinos.io/21Uhr%20Bitcoin%20Podcast%20Tips/receive)👈🏻 Probier's aus und entdecke die Macht des Bitcoin! Vielen Dank & liebe Grüße! 🧡🙏🧡🙏🧡 Dein 21Uhr Bitcoin Podcast Team, Coco, Sunny & Lazor 🍊⚡️🍊⚡️🍊 Wenn Du noch keine Bitcoin hast, kannst Du die ersten Sats innerhalb des WalletOfSatoshi (https://www.walletofsatoshi.com/) beziehen. Danach bietet sich bisq.network (https://bisq.network/de/) als dezentrale, peer-to-peer & non-kyc Bitcoin Handelsplatform an. Und alles wie immer - no financial advice. Unseren Telegram Kanal findest Du hier: https://t.me/BitcoinPodcast21Uhr Haftungsausschluss: Der Inhalt der Videos dient nur zur Information und ist kein finanzieller Rat oder Empfehlung. Ein jeder muss sich selbständig informieren und sollte professionelle Hilfe für Investmententscheidungen heranziehen. Die geäußerte Meinung stellt keinerlei Aufforderung zum Handeln dar. Sie ist keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Bitcoin, Sachwerten oder Wertpapieren.

Crypto Lovers


Blockchain 420 Inc., a unique company redefining financial freedom. Rooted in Yoruba spirituality and African heritage, we blend history, mythology, and blockchain technology to empower global communities. Our flagship, The Love Care Coin (TLCC), is more than a currency; it's a symbol of change and empowerment, facilitated through a secure, transparent digital wallet. We've already welcomed over 2,500 happy clients and sold over 4 million tokens. We're not just about business, though. We pledge part of our profits to vital causes, such as combatting human trafficking and promoting zero-point energy development. We invite you to invest in TLCC, participate in our journey, and join us as we work towards a more sustainable, equitable world. Stand with Blockchain 420 Inc. - where every token contributes to global change. Disclaimer: This is for educational and general information purposes only and should not be construed as investment, financial, legal, or tax advice.

Todo Sobre Bitcoin


Este canal esta auspiciado por Blindex: El primer exchange descentralizado para Stablecoins algorítmicas colateralizadas con Bitcoin. Para saber mas: Website: https://blindex.io/ Unite a la conversación si tenes alguna consulta: Telegram: https://t.me/BlindexSpanish Discord: https://discord.gg/AJynW9we En este canal iremos trayendoles las últimas noticias y desarrollos en el mundo de las criptomonedas, blockchain, Bitcoin, NTFs y el Metaverse. No olviden suscribirse para mantenerse al tanto.

Bitcoin Education For The World


In this channel you will find adequate Bitcoin Education for your financial freedom. I teach about the basics of Bitcoin and why it is a fundamental shift on how we view money and it's so different from everything else such as: crypto, stocks, fiat, bonds, etc. Join me on this journey by subscribing to this channel or find me on piecover.com for more details explanations of Bitcoin. If you like this channel and you want to support my work just go to https://getalby.com/p/piecover

Three Sides of the Coin


Since launching in 2012 Three Sides of the Coin an unofficial KISS podcast that celebrates the hottest band in the world KISS has been viewed or listened to over 8,000,000 times, with over 500 episodes. Three Sides of the Coin has been joined by special guests including Gene Simmons, Eric Singer, Ace Frehley, Bruce Kulick, Vinnie Vincent, Blackie Lawless, Rob Halford, Alice Cooper, Ted Nugent, Dennis DeYoung, Kip Winger, Holly Knight, Snake Sabo, Timothy Bogart, Joyce Biawitz, Buck Dharma, Lydia Criss, Eddie Trunk, WWE/AEW Superstar and lead singer of Fozzy Chris Jericho, Angel lead guitarist Punky Meadows, Five Finger Death Punch members Jason Hook and Jeremy Spencer, Vinnie Vincent Invasion and Slaughter lead singer Mark Slaughter, Twisted Sister’s Dee Snider and Jay Jay French, comedian Craig Gass, former KISS manager Larry Mazer, KISS’ former business manager Chris Lendt, KISS art director Dennis Woloch, Head of KISS Security Big John Harte, the Black Veil Brides Andy Biersack, Ron Keel, Frank Munoz associate producer for Ace Frehley's Anomaly album, award-winning songwriter Adam Mitchell, Ed Kanon (Peter Criss' drum tech), Kevin Valentine (drummer on KISS' Psycho Circus album), KISS songwriter Mitch Weissman, album producer Michael James Jackson and many, many more.

the stock market, ETF, Penny Stocks, Swing & Day Trading, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Startups, Real Estate, Forex, Binary Option, Affiliate marketing, Digital Marketing,


I make simple videos on how to start investing in the stock market, ETF, Penny Stocks, Swing & Day Trading, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Startups, Real Estate, Forex, Binary Option, Affiliate marketing, Digital Marketing, Online Sales, and creative methods to make money online. TechBud Solutions is a free investing group of +300,000 that is designed to help connect motivated entrepreneurs & investors. Our Team members come from various backgrounds and skill levels, we share our best practices & mistake with investing to help assist overall group growth. I'm a 27 year old real estate investor, day trader, & business owner! Bought my first house at age 20 and now own multiple properties. I own & love super cars. My collection consisted of McLaren 720s, Porsche GT3RS, 4 Nissan GT-R, Mp4-12C, Audi R8, Corvette Z06, BMW M3, and many more. Be sure to VISIT OUR WEBSITE to stay connected. To collaborate please email with a EMAIL SUBJECT LINE of "Collab (Youtube name)" Thank you!



Cointelegraph covers everything Bitcoin, bringing you the latest news, prices, breakthroughs and analysis, with emphasis on expert opinion and commentary from the digital currency community. Cointelegraph's up-to-date news and information will help you understand everything about the ever-evolving world of digital currencies, whether you are a newbie to cryptocurrencies or looking for the newest ways to beef up your digital wallet. We are ready to help you form your own opinion regarding cryptocurrency with precise and clear coverage from our dedicated team of journalists and experts from around the globe. We publish articles and expert opinions in the fields of business, technology, society and law, as well as provide real-time commentary from leading experts across the entire spectrum of the Bitcoin community. The world of digital currencies is growing with each passing day, as more and more businesses, entrepreneurs, start-ups and everyday people begin to adopt.