Cute animalsEven though our parents are probably happy and relieved to see us grow up and let go of some baby habits, but in all honesty, our furry counterparts could just stay babies forever – that’s how cute animals are! And if some might argue the


Even though our parents are probably happy and relieved to see us grow up and let go of some baby habits, but in all honesty, our furry counterparts could just stay babies forever – that’s how cute animals are! And if some might argue the that human babies are more adorable, we give you this list of the cutest animals ever to reconsider

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For the spoiling, nurturing and whole-heartedly pet-obsessed, The Pet Collective is a playground that cultivates community, promotes joyful moments, and fuels your pet lifestyle. From entertainment, to pet-ucation, to the newest trends and products, and everything in between. ✨💕🐶Subscribe to The Scoop for our most entertaining pet videos, helpful pet parenting tips. #pets #animals #funny #viral

Resistenza Radicale - Azione Nonviolenta


Siamo un gruppo di cittadine e cittadini che hanno deciso di lottare. Lottare gandhianamente, in questo momento buio della nostra democrazia e della nostra società, per cambiare strada. Le politiche pandemiche degli ultimi due anni hanno impoverito in ogni senso il nostro vivere, hanno creato false contrapposizioni sociali, hanno esasperato le persone, hanno tolto libertà. E non ci hanno fatti uscire dalla pandemia. È ora di cambiare strada!