The Real Ascended Masters Teachings


Spiritualism Australia Limited, is a not-for-Profit Public Charity dedicated to educating mankind about the reality of the survival of mind and consciousness beyond the death of the brain. We provide the ancient Teachings of Higher Spiritualism which came from the Elders of our Race, the Immortals through the most scientifically tested proven and documented physical phenomena Medium of all time; Rev. Keith Milton Rhinehart (1936 -1999). Join our Spiritual Family in the Teaching Halls of higher Spiritualism.

Touching the heart with Father William Pfeiffer


I am a Catholic priest, a husband and a father - I like to think that any one of these vocations makes me better at the other two. We aren't selling anything here but if you could help us by hitting the like and subscribe buttons and sharing these videos. All we can do is try to spread the Gospel and leave the rest up to the Lord. Marriage and family, spiritual wisdom, inspiration and cultural insight. Catholic spirituality. Contemplative and centering prayer. #catholicchurch #catholicfaith #catholicprayer #healingprayer #catholicism #inspirationalstories #holyspirit #mindfullness #contemplative #centeringprayer #thomasmerton #thomas keating #theresaofavila #padrepio #homily #marriagecounseling #falseself #foregiveness #catholicpriest #marriedcatholicpriest #meditation #anxietyrelief

MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry


The website MATSATI.COM Teaching Ministry (and YouTube Channel) contains various articles and videos covering a variety of topics including Biblical commentaries on the weekly Torah portion, the Psalms, Isaiah, insights we learn from the latest Scientific research in chemistry and physics. The goal is to deepen our faith and relationship with the Lord while learning more about His word (the Bible). It is my goal to help inspire, educate, encourage, and motivate everyone as we all serve together in the Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) for the furthering of His Kingdom! These studies look at the Hebrew (Masoretic Text), Aramaic (Targumim), and Greek (Septuagint) Scriptures, coupled with studies in the rabbinic literature (the Talmud, the Mishnah, Midrashim, and Jewish commentary). Dr. Duane D. Miller has been studying the Hebrew Scriptures and the Torah for 20+ years and sharing what he has learned. The studies developed for MATSATI.COM are freely to be used by everyone, to God be the Glory!