Pastor Terry Reese


Welcome! I am Pastor Terry Reese, currently serving as Pastor of the Valley Grace Brethren Church of Armagh, PA (2020-Present). Previously, I served as Pastor of the Center Church of Garrett, PA (2006-2017) in Somerset County near Mt. Davis. I also served as Associate Pastor at the Reading GBC near Stoystown, PA (2018-2020)--where I had been ordained in 2007. With regard to my denominational affiliation, I am a member of the national ministerium of the Conservative Grace Brethren Churches, International (CGBCI). Theologically, I am unashamedly Fundamental, and a Classical Dispensationalist (Pre-Trib & Pre-Mill), a soteriological Calvinist (affirming sovereign Divine election & salvation by God's grace), and approach ecclesiology from a firmly Brethren perspective. Please consult the CGBCI website for what I deem to be a sound Statement of Faith that fully represents my views: Audio messages can be found at

Pastor Joe Soto


We are CC Anointed Center with Pastor Joe & Julie Soto. Join us on Sundays 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM on Facebook or in person. 1711 Wood Street Ventura CA Have only a few minutes? You can also find us on FaceBook every Thursday night at 7:00 PM We replay all services on YouTube at If you enjoy please Like, Subscribe, and Share so that the Good News of the Gospel goes throughout the earth! #faith #hope #focus #grace #sermon #preaching #opportunity#calling #obedience #praise #PastorJoeSoto

Present Truth Today with Pastor Feagan


Benjamin Feagan is the pastor of Cornerstone and Iron Bridge Seventh-day Adventist churches. For many years, Benjamin Feagan has been committed to proclaiming the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 and fulfilling the great commission of Jesus Christ. As former vice president of conference programming for GYC Canada, he had the chance to develop events that helped young people develop their faith in Jesus Christ. He was an international missionary to India where he studied theology and shared Bible truths with tribal peoples.