Infiltrated in Patriots Protest


Brasileiros patriotas protestam contra as eleições fraudulentas do Judiciário que nomearam Lula (um criminoso condenado) a presidente do país. #spreadthetruth #divulgueaverdade Esse canal mostra que havia um plano para colocar infiltrar marginais no protesto - pacífico e ordeiro há mais de 70 dias - para criar o caos e culpar os manifestantes. Brazilian Patriots protest against the Judiciary Fraud Elections that put Lula (the biggest condemn criminal) as Brazilian President. This channel shows there was a plan to add infiltrated marginals in the pacific protest to create the chaos and blame the Patriots. Brasileiros patriotas protestam contra as eleições fraudulentas do Judiciário que nomearam Lula (um criminoso condenado) a presidente do país. Esse canal mostra que havia um plano para colocar infiltrar marginais no protesto - pacífico e ordeiro por mais de 70 dias em todas as cidades do país - para criar o caos e culpar os manifestantes.

Guitar Stroke Recovery


I love playing guitar and during COVID I suffered a “Stroke”. This unexpected stroke affected the whole right-side of my body, in other words, zero movement; this was a very scary experience. Slowly movement is returning through therapy, extreme hard work, staying very positive, hopeful and many prayers; still healing through the grace of God! After some time has gone by, I started have a strong desire to start playing guitar again. My fret hand is fine, the challenging issue is my picking and strumming right hand, at which I call the engine. So, I accepted this personal challenge to start playing guitar again. I decided to make a weekly video library to document my progress. Please follow me on my journey and I hope this adventure encourages others to do the same. God Bless!

Eliandir vocal covers


I am an ordinary guy from Poland who loved to sing since childhood and dreamed of becoming the lead singer of a gothic rock and metal band. Dreams remained dreams, life went its way. Today's technology and common access to decent microphones allowed me to finally fulfill my childhood dreams in my own way. When it comes to singing, I'm a total amateur. I did not finish any music school. All I have is a bit of wasted talent and a love of music. Sometimes that's just enough. Welcome to my vocal world. I currently record my vocals with the RODE NT-USB microphone.