The Matrix Reset


Channel dedicated to exposing the inverted matrix being built around us. Signs, Symbols and Subliminals in Media, News & Entertainment. Will be posting here as well as Bitchute. New content and some re-edited older videos to follow as I acclimate to this platform. Galatians 4:16 "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" Also follow on Bitchute: Or Instagram:

By Michael Knapp Leather


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'Strap a Watch\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' is all about promoting enthusiasm for mechanical wristwatches and leather straps with hope that more and more people, especially younger people, start wearing and appreciating these watches again. The sad reality is fewer people today are wearing watches, let alone mechanical watches. The channel is for people curious about watches, watch enthusiasts, leather crafters, those interested in fashion, design, style, travel and other cool stuff, or anyone who simply likes to watch great online content in an entertaining and informative way.

Rapha's Burping Comps


Oi pessoal, sejam bem vindos ao canal Rapha's Burping Comps. Eu sou o Rapha, e esse aqui é o meu canal exclusivo de compilações de arroto feminino, bem vindo. Se você também curte arrotos femininos assim como eu, se inscreva aqui nesse canal, pois sempre posto compilações regulares toda a sexta, mas também pode ter algum vídeo a mais na semana de vez em quando, como uma compilação especial de uma garota só ou outros vídeos que envolvam arroto feminino. Espero que vocês gostem do canal. :) Hi guys, welcome to Rapha's Burping Comps. I'm Rapha, and this is my exclusive female burping compilation channel, welcome. If you also like feminine burps like me, subscribe here in this channel, 'cause I always post regular compilations every friday, but also can be another video in the week sometimes, like a special compilation of only one girl or other video that involves feminine burping. I hope that you like this channel. :)