Pepe Forte


El Atico de Pepe -Estos programas se basan en historias e Historia, actualidad, estampas, viñetas y nostalgia. Pepe Forte se convierte en un storyteller o cuenta cuentos en cada edición. PEPE FORTE es una personalidad de los medios con base en Miami, EEUU. Diseñador gráfico, fotógrafo y periodista, ha sido editor de varias publicaciones del Sur de la Florida. Periodista automovilístico desde 1996. Por más de una década ha sido conductor —y productor— de sus propios programas de radio en UNIVISION y RADIO/TELEVISION MARTÍ, una dependencia de Voz de América. Esta cuenta de YouTube incluye videos del universo automotriz, viajes, tecnología (audio y fotografía), y los programas de radio y TV en las entidades citadas.

The Victorian Piper


Pipes, tobacco and Victorian life all up for discussion with a focus on history and heritage engineering, another late-in-life passion for me. I volunteer as a steam engine operator at Blists Hill Victorian Town in Ironbridge, Shropshire - Most of the videos will be made here as we smoke a bowl, take a look at the lifestyle of the Victorians and I\\\'ll show you heritage engines we have here along with various other interesting features. Along with that I hope to get out and about to other heritage and historic places to see what they have to offer. Covid has delayed things but my aim is to start pipe production at the Broseley Pipe Museum - also owned by the Trust and one of (if not the) last entirely original clay pipe works in the world. I\\\'ll take you on the journey from learning the ropes to finished product - and finally, smoking them.



The Capstone Presentation celebrates the culmination of a student's educational journey at PEP through Humanities Core F. At the beginning of their senior year, students select a relevant topic they are passionate about in our world and society. They spend the year researching the topic while cultivating their skills in rhetoric in preparation for the capstone speech. It is a 20 minutes presentation of their research using their rhetorical skills of style, memory, and delivery.