With camping, we can learn to appreciate nature and the environment which also plays an important role for the survival of mankind, such as forests as habitat areas for various types of animals and flora that are included in the rare category.

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With camping, we can learn to appreciate nature and the environment which also plays an important role for the survival of mankind, such as forests as habitat areas for various types of animals and flora that are included in the rare category.

misiune crestina

1 Follower

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John Crestani


John Crestani Free Training https://www.gojctraining.com/webreg-st948369607?hop=nmess John Crestani @JohnCrestani574K subscribers575 videos Growing up I was always a voracious learner with a penchant for travel. When I was in college I grew frustrated with the lack of real-world applications for the knowledge I was learning, and I was feeling anxious about becoming successful in the extremely expensive city of Los Angeles where I grew up. Subscribed CSV EXPORTvidIQ badgeADD COMPETITORvidIQ badge My Blog Description Growing up I was always a voracious learner with a penchant for travel. When I was in college I grew frustrated with the lack of real-world applications for the knowledge I was learning, and I was feeling anxious about becoming successful in the extremely expensive city of Los Angeles where I grew up. I worked a corporate job at a marketing agency for two years before realizing that I would never reach my life or financial goals working for someone else. In 2012 I started my own business, with the goals of living a low-stress life, make millions per year, and travel the world. Since 2014, I have been able to achieve all these goals, consistently earning over 7-figures per year, and without having a single employee. I now focus my time on my startup, Advancepay.io Now I live in Malibu with my two daughters, and enjoy flying helicopters, gardening, camping, and reading science-fiction books. On my channel I teach affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, and how to build software.