The Noted Anatomist Verified


Dr. Morton teaches anatomy to many health professional students (medical, dental, PA, PT and OT). Channel contains a collection of video tutorials used in his courses. Disclaimer. Dr. Morton is not a physician and therefore, cannot dispense medical advice about an individual's medical problems. The video tutorials are for educational purposes only and not meant to diagnose or treat disease. Please consult a health care professional for any clinical conditions.Reference to the University of Utah in some of the initial videos indicate Dr. Morton’s academic affiliation and does not imply that the videos are endorsed or owned by the institution. instagram thenotedanatomist



Academia Brasileira de Gnose (ABRAGNOSE) é uma instituição educacional sem fins lucrativos que apóia a Igreja Gnóstica do Brasil (IGB) em sua missão de difusão da gnose samaeliana e do gnosticismo. Em nosso site você vai encontrar uma enorme quantidade de informações relacionadas conhecimento iniciático gnóstico, livros, e-books, vídeos. Além disso você poderá acompanhar nossa agenda de eventos, e participar de nossos cursos e seminários.

Hypnose de régression Enquêtes


Site / Email : **Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression à distance ** CONSCIENCE LIBEREE Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre chaine youtube sur l’Hypnose Spirituelle de Régression. Cette activité est l’aventure de deux soeurs Auréana et Carole qui ont suivi une formation de praticiennes en hypnose à l’IIHS, institut international d’Hypnose spirituel par son fondateur Jean-Charles Chabot. La pratique de HSR s’adresse à toutes personnes désireuses de vivre une expérience dans ses vies antérieures, pour mettre en évidence des blocages, des émotions trop intenses mais aussi la curiosité sur des questions existentielles, ou encore ce qui vient et se passe dans l’après-vie. Auréana ou Carole seront heureuses de vous accompagner dans votre cheminement spirituel à travers un assortiment de questions selon ce qui sortira de votre état de conscience. Nous vous invitons à en apprendre plus sur notre site à Ecrivez-nous pour toutes autres informations. Coeurdialement vôtre, Carole & Auréana

DeepMax Buddhism


This channel represents with the permission of Koji Komiya to provide English subtitles and audio for some of his lectures. He appears in the daily videos in Japanese, which results from his 30 years of dedication to study and research on the Lotus Sutra. The purpose is the spreading the most important Buddhism secrets that Shakyamuni revealed only to his high disciples in his later years. The teaching answers the fundamental question of human beings, why this universe began, and its purpose and structure.

Notes From The Past


To intelligently understand current events, they must be seen within a broader historical context. Today, ideologue powerbrokers are attempting to distort, amend, and rewrite history, so the historical context agrees with their current propaganda. George Orwell expressed it this way in his novel 1984: “Who controls the past, controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.” Notes From The Past is an attempt to give you an array of historical contexts for you to better understand current events. To this end we are creating high quality videos about historical figures and events that will help you better understand the world today. It is our hope that this information will help empower you to see beyond the shroud of darkness that seems to have blinded so many today. Subscribe to our Substack for ad-free videos, early access and comments, and whatever else we can think of to create a great community of like-minded learners. Support us at