Murphy Rise


Here is the channel of Murphy Rise, A place where ethereal worlds are explored, and Equestria is where it now lies. Your guide is one that has traipsed to many far away lands This channel a means transfer my knowledge so that others may stand. Or barrage your ears, with covers and parodies to fear, When my musical sense is primed. I work to make sure that either way any viewer should have a good time. May your ethereal journey go well, and you keep control of your mind. I\'ll keep tripping, I\'ll walk eventually. The tip of the iceberg is what you see.


1 Follower

The McMurry Football Channel is a place where Old Indians and New War Hawks alike can view all of our video content and experience what this historic football program has to offer. Within McMurry Football, we say a lot of different things, but the main thing we say is "WAR HAWKS FIND A WAY!" And the essence of that phrase is that we are always looking for ways that we can move forward, go only one direction, and work to bring championships to McMurry University. Enjoy the experiece of watching what our players and coaches do on a daily/weekly/yearly basis, as well as the videos that push us, drive us, and inspire us. #WarHawksFAW