Codex Of Secrets - Oltre la verità


"Nihil est veritatis luce dulcius". - Cicerone - Benvenuto in "Codex of Secrets", il tuo spettacolo segreto che aprirà le porte a un mondo sconosciuto e rivelerà verità nascoste dietro le quinte della storia e cospirazioni contro l'umanità. Preparati a immergerti in un viaggio intrigante e affascinante attraverso gli inferi di teorie del complotto, recensioni storiche e argomenti considerati scomodi dalla stampa mainstream. Sono l'Agente X, l'anello di congiunzione tra il segreto e la verità. Nelle prossime puntate esploreremo i misteri nascosti nel labirinto di cospirazioni che hanno segnato il corso della storia. Dalla manipolazione dei fatti alla distorsione della verità, nulla sarà lasciato al caso. Prendi parte a questa avventura e unisciti a me, Agente X, mentre sveliamo i segreti più profondi e scomodi della storia umana. Benvenuto nel "Codice dei Segreti", dove il velo dell'ignoto sarà sollevato e l'oscura verità sarà rivelata.

Transcend The Monkey


It is our goal to be constantly refining our world view through conversations and debate. We'll be having conversations about a wide range of topics from politics, science, world events, conspiracy theories, to the paranormal. We welcome anyone who disagrees to present their perspective to us so that we can do our best to see things from as many perspectives as possible. Hopefully getting closer to understanding what's happening in this strange place we call reality.

Wired4Wonder's Short Scary Tales


Where reality meets terror in its rawest form. Each story takes you on a chilling journey into the unknown—exploring haunted places, unexplained phenomena, and encounters that defy logic. These bite-sized tales of horror are crafted to send shivers down your spine and leave you questioning what truly lurks just beyond the veil. Are you brave enough to face the darkness? Hit subscribe to stay connected and prepare yourself for a journey into the macabre. Let the fear begin… For More Creepy Tales:

Wild & Wonderful Homestead


We're Will, Ellen & Clan - a faith filled, fun loving family who have decided to take you on our journey of building our new home, running our small business, homeschooling & homesteading on five acres of land all while raising our seven children in the beautiful mountains of West Virginia. We will show you our daily routine, tips & tricks, our successes & our failures as we'll be gardening, canning, butchering, milking, recycling, reusing & growing our homestead all while learning to wait patiently on the Lord, so we hope you'll come along for the ride & welcome our family into your hearts. Here's where the USA & UK collide :) Psalms 37:7 "Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for him" Give us a "Like" & "Subscribe"

Natural Wonder of Mother Earth


Embark on a journey of discovery and amazement as we showcase the incredible beauty and diversity of our planet. Our collection of videos captures the essence of nature in all its glory, featuring interactions with critters and the breathtaking landscapes that surround us. Videos are Adult and kid friendly, it is entertainment for the whole family! This channel is dedicated to inspiring and educating viewers about the wonders of our planet and the amazing creatures that inhabit it. From majestic deer to playful squirrels, beautiful backyard birds and pets, we aim to provide a window into the natural world that surrounds us. So, sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of Mother Earth. Our videos are created to inspire and educate, and we hope that you will join us on this incredible journey of discovery and wonder. Let's celebrate the magnificence of our planet together! Check Out My YouTube channel for over 200 videos to choose from