Heal Yourself Naturally


Hello, friends. Our channel is a small attempt to let you know that your health is in your hands. You will also learn how to be healthy using herbs, essential oils, wholesome foods and simple exercises in a natural way. even without a doctor. You will forget about chemical drugs and live longer. It can be called Alternative Medicine. Alternative medicine aims to harmonize your body, using natural substances such as herbs, oils, acupressure, It is more gentle than traditional medicine and usually does not cause side effects that harm your body. This is a great natural way to stimulate the body's ability to heal itself. Properly selected Tea, tinctures, aromatherapy and exercises. All this works. Just try. Here you will find useful tips that, in my opinion, can be very interesting and useful. I hope you support me. Thanks for subscribing.



Here at The Natural Monk, you can find music to practice Reiki, Meditation, Yoga. Also, tracks for Relaxation, Sleeping, and compositions with Solfeggio & Binaural Beats. \\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nOur music will help you to relieve stress. Or relieve yourself from negative feelings like anxiety and help to enhance positive energy in you. It can also give your meditation techniques a boost if you use this type of soothing music as you meditate. It can also have a healing capacity where you will learn how to find inner peace and heal yourself within with the capability of music.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nOur music cannot cure a health condition nor does it want to replace the advice of a doctor or health care provider. Never listen to our music whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind.\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\nEnjoy your listening!

Critical Bench - Natural Health & Fitness


The Critical Bench Compound and CriticalBench.com are your Health & Strength Authority since 1999. We believe you were made in God's image to have a strong body, mind, and spirit. We are a strength, health and wellness channel dedicated to helping you get stronger, get healthier and live life in an optimal state of health and wellness. We are committed to bringing you the most relevant and impactful information, tools and resources to help you reach your goals and create the life you want. YOU are in the drivers seat. YOU are in control. And WE are here to support you every step of the way.

Palmer Natural Health


At Palmer Natural Health, we are passionate about providing holistic healthcare to as many families as possible through fun & informative education and care. Our patients are empowered to achieve optimum overall physical health through knowledge, gentle Chiropractic care, Quantum Nutrition Testing℠, Massage Therapy and Sports Performance care. We are dedicated to helping all people live happy, healthy, and active lifestyles. We believe in the body’s ability to heal itself. You may hear yourself say, “I know my body, and I just don’t feel as good as I should.” Our bodies are in a constant state of maintaining balance. If that is a struggle, your energy drains(your body becomes stressed and stops operating the way it was designed to) and eventually, ill health occurs. Given an exact treatment program, your body can heal and free up the energy currently spent on just making it through each day. We believe in treating our patients as individuals. There is no standard treatment protocol for certain conditions. Your treatment program depends on the underlying causes of your condition. We believe in telling you the truth. Health myths and fads circulate throughout the media every day. A popular supplement may have been proven by centuries of use, but we help you determine whether YOU should be using it.

The Supernatural Chronicles (TM)


The Supernatural Chronicles: A mind-bending exploration of the paranormal, supernatural, and everything that goes bump in the night! We're talking: UFO sightings & the mysteries of the cosmos Unmasking mythical creatures like Bigfoot & the Loch Ness Monster Spine-tingling ghost stories & haunted location investigations. Exploring the realms of angels, demons & the divine Time travel & the possibility of parallel universes Unveiling the secrets of ancient civilizations If it's fun, weird, or simply defies explanation, we're on the case! Subscribe & join our chilling community!

FantasMinas Investigação Sobrenatural


fantasminas #dynnoeduda #dynnoecesar Inscreva-se https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmM8AAZcrhlKLbEEijhrEQ Contato FantasMinas EMAIL: minasfantas@gmail.com Redes Sociais FantasMinas: Página: https://www.facebook.com/dynnoedudafalaai/ Instagram: @fantas.minas *************************************** Quer divulgar seu negócio, seu produto ou sua empresa? Entre em contato no e-mail abaixo e solicite o numero de telefone: E-mail : minasfantas@gmail.com (para envio de vídeos e fotos parcerias, eventos, apoios e patrocínios) NÃO ENVIE LINKS PARA NOSSO E-MAIL. NÃO CLICAMOS E NEM ABRIMOS QUALQUER TIPO DE LINKS.

Natural Remedies


"Welcome to my Health and Wellness DIY channel! I am here to empower you to take control of your health and beauty through natural and holistic methods. This channel covers a wide range of topics from fitness and nutrition to cooking, home remedies, parenting, life hacks, skin care, hair care, and Chinese remedies. You'll find informative videos on how to make your own natural beauty products, cook healthy and delicious meals, and even try out some ancient traditional Chinese remedies. Join me on this journey to optimal health and wellness through DIY methods!" All content on this channel is offered on an informational basis only, and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the guidance of a qualified health provider.

The natural environment or natural world encompasses all living and non-living things occurring naturally, meaning in this case not artificial. ... This environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather and natural resources


People seldom find absolutely natural environments on Earth, and naturalness usually varies in a continuum, from 100% natural in one extreme to 0% natural in the other. More precisely, we can consider the different aspects or components of an environment, and see that their degree of naturalness is not uniform.