The Latin Metal Crew


La casa para todo el metal latinoamericano, con su host Pablangas. Tendremos nuevos lanzamientos mensuales, con todas las novedades del death metal, thrash metal, black metal y demases. Tambien tenemos la METAL WIKIPEDIA, donde podras saber todo sobre tus artistas y bandas preferidas del mundo del heavy metal. Y muchas secciones mas, como Armando Bardo, donde veremos mis opiniones sobre las mejores/peores cosas de nuestro metal, y podremos abrir el debate a algo tan subjetivo como nuestros propios gustos.



Metal Music - Metal Attitude. Talos was a giant bronze man who guarded the island of Crete by throwing stones at the ships of unwanted visitors. He was most probably created by Hephaestus and given to either Minos or Europa as a gift. Talos’ only weakness was his ankle, where the single vein containing all of his life-fluid (ichor, the blood of the gods) was sealed with a thin membrane of skin or a bronze nail. Medea exploited this weakness and killed Talos by bewitching him to graze his ankle on a sharp rock. Source: