Unwritten Timeline


We hope you are able to enjoy our videos as we sail around the world on a 42\' Antares Catamaran. There will be good times, there will be bad times, and we hope that our videos and blog will help anyone wanting to start this type of lifestyle and also provide a little entertainment. I know we will be entertained. We will try to show all aspects of the cruising life from boat purchase, sandy beaches, touring far off lands, and even a few colder destinations. Come check us out at http://www.unwrittentimeline.com/

Danaah Hustle - Make Money Online


Hello Guys and welcome to Danaah Hustle where I show you how to make money online. On this channel, you'll learn how to make money online with affiliate marketing, doing online surveys and online jobs. You don't only need a PC or office to earn money online - you can work from home and even make money online with smartphone. So if you want to make money online fast, this channel is for you. Let's hustle together with easy ways to make money online!!!

SailZing.com Online Sailing Education


SAILZING.com is the place for racing sailors to share ideas and learn from each other. We\\\'re not about news. We\\\'re about sharing & learning. \\n\\nOur MISSION is to provide the quickest and easiest path for racing sailors to improve their knowledge and skills. \\n\\nA PLACE TO LEARN - We\\\'re compiling, organizing, simplifying & clarifying great content from racing sailors - with your help - with topics spanning gear to tactics to strategy. \\n\\nPERSPECTIVE - Many sites focus on coastal racing. We start with one-design boats & lake sailors, but the learning is for EVERYONE.