Health and Healing Crusade 2023


The theme for these presentations is focused on recharging the immune system. The presenters include: - Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH - Wes Youngberg, DrPH, MPH, CNS, FACLM - Barbara O’Neill - Amanda Anguish, LMFT - Jessica Vierra, MS, RDN, BSN, RN - Daniel Vierra You can learn more about Modern Manna Ministries here - If you have been blessed by these presentation and would like to support the ministry you can visit the link below.

Blue Water Healthy Living


Blue Water Healthy Living is an online magazine located in Port Huron, Michigan. Our purpose is to promote healthy living by showcasing the Blue Water Area, its people, issues and surroundings. This online magazine is devoted to providing healthy living related stories, local happenings, and commentary. Often inspiring and uplifting, our stories come from our heart and soul to promote the enjoyment of a more fulfilling Blue Water Area lifestyle. The material on this web site is provided for informational and amusement purposes only and is not to be confused with any medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Blue Water Healthy Living appreciates the passionate content provided to us by our volunteers writers and reporters. Interested volunteer writers and reporters should contact Rachel Decker, our administrator at The views and opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions and values of Blue Water Healthy Living.

Health Freedom with Dr. Layne


We know how imperative it is to protect your liberties, as an "alternative" healthcare practitioner. Most of us didn't realize how at-risk health, healthcare, and nutrition freedoms have been. The wake-up call is real. We are just in time to protect ourselves, our families, patients/clients, and our businesses. It's darkest before dawn, and I believe we are on the verge of a brand new world. A world in which the natural and spiritual healing arts will move to the forefront. We are going to lead the movement of healthcare. I am fortunate to be in such great company! I'm Dr. Layne Linebaugh, Chiropractor, and Private Health Association Advisor. On this channel, we will share videos and interviews with education on removing interference by founding your own faith-based Health Association. You will love being here if you know that there is a power greater than yourself. A power that made the body and that heals the body. If you are a healing arts Doctor, Herbalist, Massage Therapist, etc., please subscribe and WELCOME! You can also find me on YouTube Thank you for subscribing, liking and sharing these videos.

Be in Health


“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” – 3 John 1:2 Have you ever considered that perhaps there is something blocking you from being able to walk in that wholeness of life? We would love to teach you how to be an overcomer: to come alongside you and show you how to recognize the root issues behind disease and to overcome the works of the enemy in your life. Issues like, bitterness, rejection and fear, anxiety, and stress (just to name a few) that break down relationships and lead to disease. May we lead you into restored relationships with God, others and even yourself? We believe that when your spirit is healed and recovered that your body with follow suit. Thousands of people are healed and whole because of the principles they’ve learned here at Be in Health®. And we strive to provide a safe, nurturing environment for you, our brothers and sisters. If you were given the opportunity to learn not just how to survive but to truly thrive would you take it? We would like to extend that opportunity to you right now. We invite you to walk with us in our mission to establish generations of overcomers. “May the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:23