Join Hands With Heaven : with Blue Tapp


Now more than ever before, God is calling Christians to Join Hands with Heaven... to partner with Him as we journey toward His Kingdom, seeking His perfect will. Jesus instructs us to pray this way: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..." My story: After struggling with suicidal depression for many years, when I was 30 years old I attempted suicide by taking a handful of sleeping pills. It worked. I actually died and had an out of body death experience before they brought me back to life in the hospital. Four angels appeared to me before I died and helped me call 911. If God had not sent angels to save me that night, I wouldn't be alive today. Since then, God has miraculously healed me from all depression. He has taught me how to live a life of freedom and victory in Jesus Christ. In 2019, I began experiencing open visions in which my spirit was taken to heaven to pray for the earth along with millions of God's saints. Today the visions continue weekly with messages from God. God wants us to know that He loves us and cares deeply about each one of us. He wants us to know Him intimately. On this show, we'll be talking about spiritual healing & deliverances, angels & demons, prophetic words, visions & dreams, unity in the body of Christ, the meaning of salvation, legalism vs. freedom, and everything else to do with Jesus Christ, our risen Lord and Savior. MORE AT



Criado para compartilhar diversos temas, desde educação Financeira, Consumo consciente, Mantras, frequências solfeggio, Ho'oponopono, sobre a Vida, saúde, alimentação saudável, espiritualidade, temas sensíveis sobre possível verdade sobre a historia da humanidade, manipulações dos governos, dicas e muitas teorias... Created to share various topics, Financial education, Conscious Consumption, Man, solfeggio frequencies, since'oponopono on Life, health, healthy eating, spirituality, topics, about possible about your history of humanity, manipulations of governments, tips and many theories. ..

Diamond Hand Media Group


The Diamond Hand Media Group (DHMG) is an Entertainment Company & Elite Networking Group. DHMG is composed of growth-minded individuals focused on growing each other mentally, physically, and financially through personal and professional relationships. We are Super Soldiers. We are the 1%. We're on a mission to keep our lives long and our minds strong, and one of the ways we accomplish that mission is through our content. You will find motivational & inspirational podcasts, red pill rabbit holes, world news, and overall content that seeks to provide the Truth behind this thing we call life. You can also find our old content from the first iteration of DHMG. We're not afraid to show our past. It's what's gotten us to where we are today. If you're on a similar mission of seeking the Truth and getting better every day, then you've found the right place! The best is yet to come, because we're always in the race!!