Wick Goes Carnivore


I am Brian, aka Wick Goes Carnivore. I've lost more than 75 pounds on the carnivore diet and had many health improvements, including the disappearance of arthritis and joint pain, increased energy levels, better mood, and as someone who had been diagnosed with Afib I have not had another Afib episode since. On this channel I will highlight my personal journey on a carnivore lifestyle, as I continue to lose weight and body fat, and promote the proper human diet. Join me on this journey as I share my experiences to help inspire others to rid themselves of metabolic disease.

Let's go live!!!


PT: Sou João ( Gamingpops), um pai que se diverte a jogar com o seu 👑 filho 👑. Voltei a interessar-me pelos jogos / streams e como tal pretendo fazer streams sempre que possivel. Junta-te a mim para criar a nossa comunidade!!! https://linktr.ee/gamingpops ENG: I'm Joao (Gamingpops), a dad who enjoys playing games with his 👑 son 👑. I'm interested in games / streams again and as such I intend to stream whenever possible. Join me in building our community!! https://linktr.ee/gamingpops