Pete B: East Texas Homesteading


Welcome, my channel has many videos of projects I've done in the past and many recent ones. I hope you can learn from these videos, as I'm learning too. In 2015 my wife and I decided to "get out of the city" and leave the rat race, congestion and chaos behind. We moved from Houston to the country in east Texas to be able to grow our own food and be more self sustainable. Join us in this country homesteading journey to a peaceful and more natural way of life.

Real Ghosts footage


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Easy Keto Recipes For Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & More


A typical misinterpretation you'll eat exhausting and tasteless food when you're on a ketogenic diet. While basic food sources are a staple, there are countless ways of changing them back into your eating routine. From single-serve parts to dinners that will take care of an entire family, we make cooking keto as straightforward and simple as could really be expected. Investigate our consistently developing library of recipes. There are bit-by-bit photographs and sustenance breakdowns of each and every fixing included, alongside printer-accommodating choices! Remember to return as we update a few times each week with previously unheard-of keto recipes to attempt.