Pastor Miquéias Tiago


** Oração especial só para os inscritos todos os dias! ** Live's Short's Vídeos Gravados Transmissão dos Cultos ao Vivo direto da Igreja Avivamento Pentecostal da Bíblia (sede) - Domingo, Quarta e Sexta - 19:00 Oração da Meia-Noite Graça e Paz! Eu sou o Pastor Miquéias Tiago. Teólogo, escritor, psicopedagogo, mestre capelão, professor de bíblia e teologia e Pastor Auxiliar na Igreja Avivamento Pentecostal da Bíblia (Sede). Muito Bem Vindo ao Meu Canal!!!! Aqui você vai encontrar: * Palavra de Deus, * Estudos Bíblicos * Um pouquinho de Teologia * E muitas razões para amar a Palavra de Deus! Aqui é um canal para quem quer ser abençoado. Então não perca seu tempo e agora mesmo se inscreva, ative as notificações, assista nossos vídeos e curta, comenta e compartilha! Quer me ajudar no canal? Faz um PIX pra : Deus abençoe a sua vida! Graça e Paz, pra você e pra toda a sua família! Me siga no Instagram: @pastormiqueiastiago

Queen of Angels Catholic Store


Welcome to the Queen of Angels Channel! Queen of Angels is the largest Catholic Store located in Jacksonville, Florida, USA. We carry a large selection of Catholic goods and gift items. These incredible Catholic devotionals include a wide selection of books, ranging from Catholic fiction to autobiographies, and from children’s books to Missals and instructions on how to pray the holy Rosary, chaplets, and novenas. We have a large selection of medals and holy cards, statues, and garden statues. We carry monastic coffee, mugs, travel mugs, and even pens, paper and other creative coloring material. Other gift items and personal ware include rosaries, pendants, necklaces and bracelets ranging from a sterling silver and pewter material to wood, even wood from the holy Land! We also have a selection of Church goods, such as pyxes, candles, and incense.

The OCD & Anxiety Show with Matt Codde LCSW


My name is Matt Codde and I help people who are struggling with OCD & Anxiety take back control of their lives by helping them master the Triple-A Response. As someone who personally struggled with OCD & Anxiety for years, I know how challenging it can be to navigate all the chaos and find the right help. And after living in this loop for several years, I eventually got to the point where I started to lose hope for my future. But one day, I had this sinking realization: all this energy I was using to fight my thoughts and feelings wasn’t working. So instead of trying harder, perhaps it was time to shift gears and try a different approach. And this ultimately led me to create the Triple-A Response. Learn more about Matt and Restored Minds: