GE - Friday Night Football Verified


This is a channel for a local one hand touch meets nfl style, backyard, Friday night football league. Founded in the late 1970’s and still currently running. Our season starts the first Friday in September after the first regular season nfl game and we play 8 games under the lights. One of the longest running pick up games of backyard football you've probably never hear of till now. Started way back in the early 1970s by a couple of GE employees and over the years its grown into quiet the unique way of playing football. We play a light one hand touch game, to minimize arguments and injuries. We play with who ever can make it to the field, so regular participation is not a requirement. Sides are chosen at game time, and may be rearranged to even them out. We are there for fun, not to take each other out (except for a stop at a bar afterwards). 3 second delay rush (counting "One chimpanzee, Two ...") with some limited blocking. Any attempt to run negates the delay rush. We switch quarterbacks about every series, so everyone gets to throw. Be prepared to run a lot, it tends to be a heavy passing game. QBs call their plays. Everyone gets a chance at every position, including QB. We get creative. Double passing allowed, if first pass is behind the QB. A single first down can be obtained at mid-field. Fumbles are dead balls - and belong to offense. So there is no piling on. we aren't wearing any headgear or pads and don't want to send guys to the hospital on a stretcher every week. Tentatively our season will start on the first Friday after the first week of the regular NFL season games have started, and runs to the last Friday before Thanksgiving.



Eco-Friendly Startup: This idea involves starting a business that prioritizes environmentally sustainable practices, such as producing biodegradable products, offering renewable energy solutions, or promoting a zero-waste lifestyle. Virtual Reality Fitness: Create a unique fitness experience by combining virtual reality technology with exercise routines, making workouts more immersive and enjoyable. Community Farming: Launch a community gardening or urban farming initiative to encourage local food production, strengthen community bonds, and promote sustainable agriculture



I am from Mississippi so have a "Southern" accent. Some like it and some don't. At this point in my life I can't change it (ha) so I hope you enjoy the videos anyway. We have put together these films in the hopes of allowing those who have a passion for "Documentaries" a chance to step back in time for a brief period. We are by no means professionals, but seeing through the eyes of an amateur is sometimes the best view. So sit back, let us drive and we will travel back to a time when some of these people walked the earth, and peek into the tragic events that made them who they were. P.S. We are trying to improve our videos as we make more. We are pretty much learning as we go. You should notice an improvement in the video and audio quality or at least we hope you do!