Mente y Energía


Bienvenid@ a MR. AWAKE, tu destino para emprender un viaje transformador hacia el despertar y la acción! Inspirados, nuestro objetivo es guiar a personas en todos los niveles de conciencia, desde el más profundo sueño hasta el pico de la iluminación. Aquí encontrarás contenido que no solo desafía el status quo, sino que también te equipa con las herramientas necesarias para liberarte de las cadenas que limitan tu potencial. Con un enfoque único que combina sabiduría ancestral y estrategias modernas, nos adentraremos en el corazón de temas que importan: desde la superación de obstáculos emocionales y espirituales hasta la DECODIFICACION DEL MUNDO QUE NOS RODEA a través de una perspectiva 'hacker conspiranoica'. Nuestra misión es liberar el mundo, una mente a la vez, promoviendo el crecimiento personal, el empoderamiento y la conciencia global.

The Desert Wine Guy


If you love wine and are tired of seeing reviews of wines that cost $100 or more and also speak about wine in ways, the average person doesn\'t understand, you have come to the right place. Most of the wines that I review cost between $10 - $25. I also talk about growing wine grapes and other wine related topics such as reviewing those wine club offers you always get in the mail as well as the wine induustry in general. I do NOT get paid by anyone so my thoughts are just that, my real thoughts. I also do my very best to stay away from politics on this channel although I am very Conservative as in pro God,family,guns & country.

Desert Legal Group


The team at Desert Legal Group are a dedicated team of legal professionals who are passionate about helping families navigate Arizona family law’s complex waters. Led by experienced attorneys, this group strives to offer personalized and compassionate legal representation for each of its clients’ unique cases involving divorce, child custody, spousal support or property division matters. With this client-centric approach and dedication we stand ready to support and guide every stage of your journey as your Arizona family law advocate. What sets us apart from other family and criminal law firms is our unwavering commitment to personalized service and unrelenting advocacy for each and every one of our clients. Family and criminal matters can often be emotionally trying, so our experienced lawyers prioritize empathy, compassion and open communication with them throughout. Our job is to help you navigate the legal system while taking away some of the stress that is typically associated with a family or criminal law case. With us by your side you can trust your case will receive all of the care it requires – making all the difference for your legal journey! || Address: 3800 N Central Ave, Suite 570, Phoenix, AZ 85012, USA || Phone: 480-761-2085 || Website: