Dan Manning Ministries


This channel delivers sermons from the home of Dan Manning, a minister of the gospel and recently retired pastor of 45 years. Having retired from pastoring towards the end of 2019, he remained at his church filling in for them until they found a pastor. But covid-19 struck and our nation shut down, including churches. Then he started delivering his weekly sermons from home as church was shut down. It seemed strange at first, but soon He knew this is what the Lord wanted him to continue to do, to share the Word of God with anyone who will hear. This is Daniel Manning. I've been preaching for a long long time. I started pastoring when I was 21. My dad was a preacher and both grandpas were preachers. There's been a lot of preachers in my family. I guess the lord just called a lot of us. I love the Lord and I'm still trying to study that bible. It's been a good part of my life

Ohio Dan


Welcome to my channel. I mostly produce videos on MGTOW, Politics, and anti-Feminism. Other subjects I find of interest include History, Law, Science, Philosophy, Christianity, Sports, Health, and Music (old school country, classic rock, etc). I also make content on a variety of other issues as they pique my interest. Email for questions or comments: ohiodan8@gmail.com or gensleep@gmail.com Channel Icon: “Weggabelung” by Faldrian / www.jenseitsderfenster.de/ Specific Photo: https://www.flickr.com/photos/faldrian/20445122918/ Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Cosmic Clock Reset


Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Ashayana Deane's Workshops! This channel is dedicated to exploring all of Ashayana Deane's groundbreaking workshops up to 2015. Here, you’ll dive into the profound teachings of Keylontic Science, Merkaba mechanics, DNA activation, and planetary ascension. We’ll cover workshops such as the Voyagers Series, Sliders, KDDL Series, and more. Each video unpacks the advanced spiritual tools and multidimensional knowledge Ashayana offers, making it accessible for both beginners and advanced practitioners on the path of Krystic ascension. Whether you’re looking for practical techniques or deep metaphysical insights, this is your go-to source for all things Ashayana Deane. Don’t forget to subscribe, hit the notification bell, and explore the higher dimensions with us! Hashtags: #AshayanaDeane #KeylonticScience #MerkabaActivation #DNAActivation #Ascension #KrysticPath #SpiritualAwakening #PlanetaryGrid #KDDLWorkshops #FreedomTeachings #KeylonticScience

The Dan Bongino show


The Dan Bongino Show is a dynamic political podcast and radio program hosted by former Secret Service agent and conservative commentator Dan Bongino. Known for his passionate delivery and sharp analysis, Bongino tackles current events, policy issues, and cultural topics from a conservative perspective. The show features in-depth discussions, interviews with key figures, and Bongino's unique insights, making it a popular choice for listeners seeking a no-holds-barred take on today's political landscape.

Yah's Way TV - Dr Dan Merrick


Dr. Daniel Merrick is a Messianic Jew who has a passion for the truth from his Hebrew perspective of scriptures. Weekly at 1PM Eastern USA time on Thursdays Dr. Dan broadcasts of Yah’s Way TV on https://TheNowNetwork.org to 236 Million TV screens worldwide cable and satalite viewers. A potential of over 1 to 3 Billion viewers including apps. Dan has worked in ministry for over 30 years and pastors’ the Congregation Yahshua Messiah Gathering – UCCMA. In 1993 Dan published his music album entitled “Aliyah” and began work in missions in Ukraine which launched his ministry after service in the US Army. Dan has worked in various types of ministry for over 30 years with his syndicated “FAITH RADIO” show and has appeared on Cornerstone Christain Television “His Palce” and TCT “I’m Just Sayin” as well as numerous radio and TV programs. Dr. Merrick is a retired US Army Captain working with foreign missions and evangelistic outreach through CYMG UCCMA. (501C3 and 509a2 IRS registed)

Wuwu Woman Energy 777


My name is Kelly. I am a reiki master, shamanic healer, I create orgone energy generators for health & wellness, and am also the author of two books: 'SYNERGY - A Modern Healer's Guide to Complete Bioenergy Wellness' and 'Transhumanism - The War on Human Consciousness & The Truth About Our Divinity'. I got tired of the censorship on YouTube and am excited to start posting my videos here discussing topics that are relevant to the health and evolution of us and our planet, thanks for having me. You can connect with my books, visit my shop and learn about booking an energy healing session with me on my website wuwuwoman.com.

Remanente Fiel


Iglesia Unida Misionera Pentecostal Inc. Somos una iglesia que cree en el Padre, en el Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. No evangelizamos con el propósito de llenar nuestra iglesia, sino, con el objetivo de ayudar al necesitado. Nuestra misión es ver el amor de Dios como una familia en crecimiento y no como una religión. Como comunidad cristiana, tenemos presente que somos el reflejo de Cristo para la sociedad; tenemos claro que evangelizar no es solo hablar de la palabra, sino practicarla y probarla con hechos, demostrando el amor de Dios a través de nuestras acciones. Los evangelios nos hacen reflexionar sobre la eclesiología moderna, viviendo como agentes de transformación para la vida espiritual y social de la comunidad, haciendo del evangelio nuestra vida y no una religión. El plan de gobierno de Dios es de paz, humildad, consolación, servicio, mansedumbre, amor, misericordia y totalmente limpio sin discriminación alguna. Por lo que queremos compartir la palabra de Dios con amor.

A+ Cartoon Songs


Welcome to my music channel! This channel is based mostly about sharing high quality music that I've remastered, remixed or edited. A song is usually uploaded each week. However, feel free to leave any suggested music that you would me to remaster or remix and I may take it into consideration. I do any kind of musical genre from any era that's mainly in the English language. Currently, I'm doing cartoon related music before I move on to other kinds. So you can expect nostalgic contents from your childhood on this channel.