

Introducing "The Danger Close Alpha Podcast" – a gripping podcast set in a fictional dystopian world of 2084. Join us as we dive into a society divided between blind followers and daring Seekers, all in the backdrop of a reality where truth is a long-forgotten concept. In this immersive series, we explore the gripping tale of a world suffocated by power and control. Cancel culture runs rampant, personal freedoms are extinct, and a once-vibrant society has been reduced to mere followers and leaders. "The Fold," a group that seemingly possesses everything, has given up their personal freedoms in exchange for convenience and security. DANGER CLOSE ALPHA… JOIN THE MOVEMENT…. GET ON BOARD… EDUCATE YOURSELVES AND RESIST BEING A PART OF THE FOLD… BE A SEEKER…. QUESTION EVERYTHING, TRUST NOTHING!

The Ragged Patriot's salute to amazing americans


A page where any american can go, on one of those dark and dreary days, when the ai bots found the perfect thing to leaves you feeling hopeless and afraid, somehow knowing where to find the buttons normally only family should be able to divine.... these are my counters to those trolls and clockwork\'s dark manipulations, things that i find that can even give me hope and that reminds me every step they take towards blood and ash, the more people are jolted awake and come flocking back (i hope lol)... stay true, stay bright and remember millennials on down, im talking to you, our generations have perfect empathy but we have to remember that not just victims wear shoes but so do the wolves and if we can imagine what its like to be someone else in pain surely we can imagine the perpratrators joy and pretitory nature , surly we can imagine the possibility not everyone is good and one day what might happen if a leader stumbles into power corrupted, with evil in their heart... actions not words are all that matters, and if someones words never stay in one place maybe its time to stop counting on them to be where they say and wake the f UPPPPP!



Welcome to the CYBERJAPAN DANCERS Official YouTube Channel. CYBERJAPAN DANCERS is a dance group produced by MITOMI TOKOTO under the agency CYBERJAPAN inc. The dance group was created in 2000 and used to be the Cute Go Go Dancers team of DJ MITOMI TOKOTO at his own club events. However as the CYBERJAPAN DANCERS Go Go Dancers become more and more popular by dancing in all the major club events and at some of the biggest EDM festivals such as Ultra Japan, Ultra Korea and so on, they are now a full Girls Talent team from CYBERJAPAN inc. In 2017, they made their major debut single "Super Girl" with Universal Music Japan and after many many more singles releases, they released in 2019 their first full album "BIKINI FOREVER". Since then, the team expanded their activities by starting their YouTube/Rumble channel, releasing Photo Books and being regularly featured in magazines and TV commercials.

King Fit Angler


Amateur = Angler, Bikie, Dreamer, Fitness Enthusiast, Foodie, Urban Gardener, Backyard Grillardin, Reporter, Reviewer, Investor, etc.. "Are You Not Entertained" Let's see what we can get into? Amazon associates links are in most of my videos in the description. yes products I have. I do have a small addiction with the convenience of Amazam Patriotism, Valor, Fidelity and Abilities https://paypal.me/KingFitAngler KingFitAngler@gmail.com General Disclaimer: These Videos are for entertainment purposes only and do not constitute professional advice of any kind. The views expressed herein are solely those of the YouTuber and do not necessarily reflect the views of any associated entities. Any content linked to or mentioned in this video is presented for informational purposes only and should be evaluated independently. The YouTuber assumes no responsibility for any actions taken as a result of watching any videos on this channel.



『CYBERJAPAN DANCERS 』Official You Tubeチャンネル開設しました❣ 都内主要クラブ、日本全国のクラブやフェス、アジア圏を中心にワールドワイドに活躍する、ゴーゴ-ダンサー集団。 美しきボディを駆使してのダンスは、一瞬にして観る者を魅了するパワーを放つ。日本国内にとどまらず、世界 へ羽ばたく美しくパワフルなダンサー集団。 2019年、ユニバーサルミュージックより『BIKINI FOREVER』をリリース。 クラブ以外でもTV、CM、コレクションへの出演、最新写真集『Yummy』(宝島社)をリリースするなど活躍の場を広げている。