Original Origin Stories


Architects Showroom and Janitors closet. OO isn't a single thing. It isn't even a group of things. It's all things. The creation of OO is game changing. Storytelling has been evolved into OO. Stories starting at a single point, is traditionally how it is done. One genre bleeding into other genres, with offerings based on its original content/story, that will forever be judged and held up against the original piece of work. OO STARTS At those genre offshoots, to provide continuity and reality to entertainment and story telling. Not from the inside out, but from the Outside in. We're ALL Family here. You know you can't stand it when the time lines don't make sense, and don't line up. Whether it's linear or not. The continuity and connections are vast in OO. No expectations. Just creations.



ORiginal MUSIC from THEir ORiginal CITY (Out-of-Print | Bootlegs | Demos | Extras | Local) I grew up in Oregon City during the 90s when starting a rock band was just the thing to do. In the late 90s, while I was in high school, there seemed to be a show every weekend. I feel so fortunate to have witnessed so many amazing shows by some truebly talented bands. I believe the city itself, with its endless hills, hidden treasures, weirdos, & history played a significant role in the creativity and spirit of these bands. Clearly, there is something to be said about the close proximity to the ocean & rivers, the forest & mountains, Portland & Seattle, as well as the time in history and the privileges it afforded us. It may just be nostalgia, but I believe there was some true talent that came (and still comes) from this ORiginal CITY. These are out-of-print and rare recordings from that time, as well as some other various (live) recordings from artists who continue to create. Hear it all @ originalcityrecords.com

Frazier Park Criminals


Welcome to the 𝙁𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙞𝙚𝙧 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝘾𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙨 Rumble channel. 𝘼𝙗𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩: Ongoing, networked, organised criminality is taking place in Frazier Park, California, including, but not necessarily limited to the following, yet to be prosecuted, criminal activities: 1. illegal / unlawful surveillance, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred and sixty-five / -six days a year; 2. coordinated stalking; 3. community mobbing; 4. the utilisation of an arsenal of cowardly, covert abuse and harassment tactics (including, but not limited to, unnatural synchronised exits and entries of home, assorted forms of noise harassment, triggering of barking dogs, power tools, the revving of vehicle engines); and 5. deployment of sadistic, advanced directed-energy weapons (presumably by criminal governmental contractors). The primary tool employed by those partaking in these criminal activities in order to evade accountability for their cowardly, nefarious, seemingly innocent acts is plausible deniability. 𝙉𝙤𝙩𝙚: This content contained herein is for the sole purpose of education, entertainment, and/or spiritual edification. Original content copyright © and ℗ J. D. Gallé, 2025. All rights reserved.

ZensurNEINdanke Original


Meinung ist was andere sagen .... Wir sind : - Unterschiedliche Quellen ✔️ - Zeugen, Fakten, Beweise ✔️ - Alternative Medien ✔️ - Internationale Medien ✔️ - Eigene Meinung Bilden ✔️ Eines ist sicher, das es nichts neues unter der Sonne gibt! Denn alles war irgendwie schon mal da. Es ist der Rote Faden welcher durch die verschiedenen Zeit Epochen zu erkennen ist. Wer das erkennt , der erkennt das Muster des vergandenden und die Mittel welche sich die Herrschenden bedienen um zu steuern. Alles ist gedreht und gegen die Schöpfung gestellt. Ihre Werkzeuge sind die ANGST, die Medien und das wissen wie der Geist funktioniert. Wer das erkennt ist nicht mehr manipulierbar zumindest nicht mehr so einfach. Darum geht es auf diesen Kanal. Wissen ist Macht.