The Turncoats

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Dr. Uche (British, Medical Doctor) and Hils (American, Policy Analyst) are both “turncoats” What does that mean? Both of these young 30-something professionals were previously advocates and disciples of common leftist doctrine but having had less than optimal run-ins with life now want to share their “unconventional wisdom”. The two broach global topics via their weekly podcast and guest debates. Fancy appearing on the podcast? If you have strong opinions that are opposed to ours, then let us know by messaging our Twitter account below: Twitter Account - *Disclaimer: All opinions expressed on this platform are those of the individuals and not representative of any particular institution. This is not to be taken as medical advice.


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Kaya (Alaskan Malamute) graduated from the Neuman K-9 Academy. During this course dogs learn name-recognition, sit, down, stay, place command, drop-it, walking on-leash without pulling, not jumping on the handler, getting in or out of a vehicle on command, waiting at doors, going into a kennel on command, and socialization with other friendly dogs. We include a comprehensive learning process for dogs, utilizing all four quadrants of operant conditioning, distraction proofing, impulse control, physical conditioning, pack socialization, and more. We provide video proof of every puppy that graduates from our Academy, and owner training to help with the transitional process of dog returning home to their family. For more information visit: Located in Hugo Minnesota, just north of Minneapolis and

Spots & Boots

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We believe there's a space for satirical cat-forward videos on YouTube. We got tired of the "funny cat videos" offerings out there. Most either feature a scared animal, an unfunny compilation, or content equal to popcorn movies for mass audience appeal. Our 100% cruelty free video captures our “kitty players” acting as they normally do. Regularly watch our feline friends play by gently tapping Subscribe and Notification icon! But please don't smash the Subscribe button. It's tired of the abuse.