Natural Law Human Consciousness and Mind Control


Truth is objective, singular and eternal; it has always been and will always be. This document is drawn from decades of research and publicly available sources rather than personal opinions. This book is about developing the ability to tell the truth from falsehood and recognise causal factors, i.e., the causes for the effects we experience in manifested reality. To end suffering, one must awaken to the objective truth of how things are beyond the mind-control. The problem is not outside oneself; however, the tendency is to blame others, the occultists, the government, etc. Suffering, is due, to not knowing about and therefore living out of accordance with Natural Law, not standing up for what is right and moral, not understanding one’s sovereignty, and not respecting the sovereignty of others.

Motivation in your life inspired your life


Motivation refers to the driving force or inner desire that compels an individual to take action or pursue a goal. It is a combination of factors that inspire, energize, and direct behavior towards a particular objective or outcome. Motivation can arise from various sources such as intrinsic factors like personal satisfaction, achievement, and fulfillment, or extrinsic factors like rewards, recognition, and external pressure. It plays a crucial role in personal and professional success as it helps individuals overcome obstacles, stay focused, and persevere in the face of challenges. Motivation can be influenced by various internal and external factors such as personality traits, life experiences, environment, culture, and values. It is a dynamic and ever-changing force that requires constant attention, nurturing, and self-reflection. By understanding the sources of motivation and how to harness them effectively, individuals can achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

This motivational video includes Top Powerful Motivational images With Deep Meaning | One Picture Millions Words | Today's Sad Reality. This 50 pictures more powerful than words (with deep meaning) will inspire you to be successful in life. This Pictures


This motivational video includes Top Powerful Motivational images With Deep Meaning | One Picture Millions Words | Today's Sad Reality. This pictures more powerful than words (with deep meaning) will inspire you to be successful in life. This Pictures Speak Louder Than Words. This deep meaning images are painful but true and motivating. This video brings some powerful motivational quotes images. Use these quotes to learn the habits that will compound your own success, and let us know which one is your favorite one from the whole video. Note ▶ ✔ The content of Motivational Pictures Specified channel's videos are for educational purposes only. This video does not contain anything that is harmful or something that does not want to be there on Rumble. I love everyone.

Powerful Meditation Music for Elevated Consciousness


Pinealwave is extremely powerful meditation music focused on third eye opening and the elevation of consciousness. This is achieved through pineal gland stimulation using brainwave entrainment music. The result of elevated consciousness is an increase in our natural extrasensory abilities. With elevated consciousness, awareness, creativity, extrasensory perception, and intuition are all increased. The third eye serves as the connection to all knowledge and endless creativity. The pineal gland is stimulated through the use of isochronic modulation which is the most advanced form of brainwave entrainment. Through brainwave entrainment, elevated states of delta, alpha, theta, beta or gamma wave are increased and the mind is placed into the proper meditative state. This effect is felt as a pleasurable sensation. Brainwave entrainment is the most powerful and most effective form of meditation. With daily Pinealwave meditation the third eye will be opened and consciousness will be elevated. The power and potential of meditation being used to activate the pineal gland has been known and used by many cultures throughout the history of mankind. Pinealwave is music for developing and unlocking your own inner power and creativity. This is the most powerful, instant meditation. Music for developing higher consciousness.

Systems For Conscious Living


Welcome to Systems for Conscious Living! This is going to be a podcast where we’ll explore together the world of: ·         Natural Building, ·          Architecture, ·         Permaculture, ·         Homesteading, ·         Meditation and ·         Other Conscious Living WAYS   I will interview DOERS & experts in their fields, as well as share personal experiences showing what has worked for me. My GOAL is to SPREAD THE WORD and SHED LIGHT onto practices that help improve our Quality of Life and our, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. And if I can inspire the youth of today & young professionals to explore practices and tread what is considered to be “The Path Less Traveled” then I will be satisfied with the outcome. I am a licensed Architect with over 25 years of experience and what will be shared here is a “hybrid aggregate” of my knowledge, experiences and interests. I hope you will find the coming content enlightening, inspiring and helpful along your journey toward leading a Conscious Living. I truly hope you will join us and enjoy the ride. Architectural Sevices: Architectural Trainings:

The Inspired Patent Podcast


Leveraging Inspiration: The Inspired Patent Podcast This podcast is for small business owners. You work so hard and help so many people. It breaks my heart when I learn of a small business owner that missed opportunities because they did not have the information that they needed. That is why I am here, to help you, the small business owner, to learn how to leverage your inspiration and succeed at making the world a better place. Listen to find out simple steps you can take to make sure you own the valuable property in your business, your inspired ideas, your innovations, and solutions. More than just protecting your intellectual property (IP), I want to help you leverage your ideas so that you can offer your solutions to as many people as possible. Each 13-week season will take you through a process in your business to improve your intellectual property protection. In each episode, I provide a small action that you can take to better protect your IP. Added together these small actions can make a huge difference for your business and the results you achieve. Join me each week for new episodes. Find new episodes on and wherever you find your podcasts The first season (season 13 on IBGR.Network) covers: Intellectual Property Strategy for Startups and Small Business Show Airs - Fridays 3 pm ET beginning Apr 7, 2023