De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español


¡Bienvenido al canal 'De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español'! Nuestro canal ofrece traducciones de voz de las noticias actuales de Rusia y los países de la CEI, abarcando la política, la economía, la sociedad y la cultura. Creemos que entender la diversidad de las noticias mundiales es importante para la sociedad global. Por eso, nos esforzamos por superar la barrera del idioma, proporcionando noticias confiables y actuales en español para todos aquellos que desean estar al día con los eventos en Rusia y los países de la CEI. 'De URSS a Rusia y CIS: Noticias en Español' es su fuente de noticias de los países que han experimentado cambios significativos desde la disolución de la URSS y que continúan desempeñando un papel clave en el escenario mundial. ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal y mantente al día con las últimas noticias de Rusia y los países de la CEI en español! Descargo de responsabilidad: Utilizamos traducción de voz automatizada para crear nuestro contenido. Esto significa que no hacemos ninguna corrección en la traducción, lo que nos permite la rápida emisión de videos para nuestros espectadores. Nos esforzamos por proporcionar la traducción más precisa y completa posible, pero por favor tenga en cuenta que la traducción puede a veces contener inexactitudes o una interpretación incorrecta del texto original debido a las características de la traducción automática. Le agradecemos su comprensión y valoramos su interés en las noticias de la moderna Rusia y los países de la CEI.

Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church 2 ( Give by Zelle at Verified


Welcome to the official Rumble channel of Corinthian Missionary Baptist Church No. 2! Located in the heart of New Orleans at 2601 Jackson Avenue, we are “The Place Where God’s People Are Focused on Kingdom, Family, and Community.” Here, you’ll find inspiring worship services, powerful teachings, and messages of hope tailored for today’s world. At Corinthian, we’re grounded in our core values of Committed, Focused, and Faithful Service, striving to live out our faith daily and make a positive impact in our community. We invite you, our New Orleans neighbors and friends, to join us as part of our church family—whether through our online content or in person. Subscribe, stay connected, and grow with us in faith and fellowship!

Buck Up Relief Mission


THE HUB: BUCK UP RELIEF MISSION *MISSION: Help facilitate all logistics, fuel, transportation, drivers and operational expenses to enable secured supply chain deliveries from donation collection sites to disaster affected areas throughout the USA. Assist with providing temporary shelter and housing assistance to displaced families. Support medical teams with essential supplies, equipment and medications for life-saving operations. Assist in debris removal and infrastructure repair supplies and equipment to restore access to affected areas. Deliver critical resources to trusted boots on the ground labors in order for our partners to bring help, health and hope to disaster affected communities and families. THE WHEEL: Ephesians 4:16 - He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy, growing and full of love. NUTS & BOLTS – BUCK UP TEAM: Fueled by Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, 508(c)(1)(a) Non-Profit Ministry in accordance with Title 26 USC section 5 VINCE SABEN, MARVIN COTE, AJ ANDREWS, ROBERT & JAIME’ AGEE THE SPOKES & PARTNERS: TRANSPORATION & RELIEF SUPPLIES: NATIVE WAY TRANSPORTATION, LLC, TRUCKING FOR AMERICA, LLC *Facilitate all logistics of supply chain deliveries from donation collection sites to disaster affected areas in the USA *Establish civilian facilitated donation collection locations throughout the USA *Establish corporate and political relationships to create an on-going supply lines for all critical items as: medical supplies & equipment, communications devices, water, food, clothing, heating, building supplies, agricultural supplies & equipment, housing and shelter MEDICAL AID: *Facilitate supply chain of medical supplies, medications and equipment need during all medical disaster relief efforts needed to effectively provide urgent medications, perform emergency & on-going medical care RESCUE AID: *Facilitate supply chain of supplies & equipment needed for conduct life-saving search and rescue operations CLEAN-UP AID: *Facilitate delivery of supplies & equipment to aid clean-up crews in disaster sites to ensure health & safety HOUSING & SHELTER: Truckin' 4 Troops *Facilitate the purchase and delivery of campers for housing, deliveries, mobile command centers for veterans, 1st responders, rescue teams, and homeless families affected by disasters in the USA *Facilitate the delivery of building supplies and building of tiny homes for temporary community housing *Facilitate the purchase and delivery of storage containers for secured dry-storage of critical supplies RESTORATION AID: *Facilitate the delivery of supplies and equipment for securing infrastructure and rebuilding shelter & housing MINISTRIAL AID: Banners 4 Freedom Ministries, *Assist in ministering hope and love to disaster inflicted communities and families

Dismiss All Charges Verified


Bring Change to dismiss all charges against any citizen where a police officer muted body cam or didnt have it on. No excuse <script> !function(r,u,m,b,l,e){r._RumbleDotCom=b,r[b]||(r[b]=function(){ (r[b]._=r[b]._||[]).push(arguments)}),l=u.createElement(m),e=u.getElementsByTagName(m)[0], l.async=1,l.src=""+encodeURIComponent(location.href), e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}(window,document,"script","Rumble"); Rumble("swapEmbeds", "15esw2"); </script>