Greek Orthodox Church


The Greek Orthodox Chapel of Saint Jude Thaddeus is located in the courtyard of the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Isidoroi (Holy Archdiocese of Athens). The cave Church of Saint Isidoroi functioned in the 17th century as a hermitage with a small number of monks. The name of the hermitage is due to the finding of the image of Saints Isidore in the hands of a hermit. This channel is a minimal attempt to present the Apostle Jude Thaddeus who is notvery whell known.

St. John Lutheran Church & School - Random Lake


We are God's people gathered to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ by the means of the Spirit. Our mission is to respond with activities that directly strengthen the Christian faith. St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Missouri Synod congregation (LCMS). In the early 1850\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s, a group of emigrants from Germany settled in Town Sherman and held Lutheran worship services in their log-hut homes. God the Holy Trinity continues to bless St. John Lutheran Church as He has always done through her 165-year history in Sherman Center. While the names and faces have changed, God continues to keep His promise to call, gather, enlighten, and sanctify us through His Word and Spirit. Fifteen pastors preached, taught, baptized, and delivered Christ’s body and blood. Countless teachers taught the children of the congregation and community. Faithful laymen and laywomen gave freely to the congregation’s mission, governance, facilities, fellowship, and acts of service.

River House Church Sermons Verified


River House is a church family who loves the presence of God. We wear casual clothes and celebrate our freedom in Christ in a non-religious way. Our worship is anointed and contemporary. Our worship leaders make it their aim to be led by the Spirit, usher in the presence of God and facilitate encounters with the Lord. Our teaching and preaching is biblical, practical, transformative and engaging. It is normal to laugh, cry and be transformed by the sermon. We invite you to be transformed by our presence driven, family culture.