Atheist Republic Cape Town


Atheist Republic is the largest community of atheists in the world providing support and amplifying the voices of those who need protection especially in countries where people feel isolated simply for their lack of belief. Atheists are under attack in many places. If they were Christians, their voices would be heard. If they were Jews, their voices would be heard. If they were Muslims, their voices would be heard. But they are atheists, and not many seem to be listening. Let’s make it difficult for them to ignore us.

Remodel 1986 Apache Camper


Hello Rumble Welcome The the Betz's Homestead, Well Working on It! Thanks for Stopping in at our channel This Channel Will Follow our Family's Adventures. From our three bedroom rental on longisland NY to to a 1986 Apache Pop up Camper. On a some land we do not own yet state we have not picked yet. Follow us As we rebuild(remodel really) My Grandpa's 86 Hard Sided Popup Camper, Give it some Cool up Dates Like solar power, Air conditioner, update the water system. Find a state to Start our homestead , Build our Farm and live a simpler life

Ape NFTs Character


Follow & Support me Youtube Channel 1. Mintable 2. Open Sea 3. Rarible MedSos 1. Twitter @ApeAmateurNFT @BoredRoboCarNFT 2. Instagram @ape.amateurproject 3. Facebook @Ape Nft @Boredrobocarnft 4. TikTok @Ape NFTs Project @Bored RoboCar NFT #caramenggambar #caramenggambardenganmudah #caramudahmenggambar #caracepat menggambar #draw #drawing #menggambar #chevrolet #chevroletcamaro #1970s #caramenggambarmenggunkanhp #caramenggambarmenggunkanandroid #caramudahmenggambar #caramudahmenggambarmenggunkanhp #caramudahmenggambarmenggunkanandroid #caramudahmenggambarmenggunakansmartphone #easywaystodraw #easywaystodrawwithsmartphone #easywaystodrawwithandroid easywaystodrawnft #howtodrawveryeasy #howtodraweasy #nft #ape #boredape #boredapenft #etherium #opensea #mintable #rarible #nftupdate #nftfans #movie #film #nftcollector #nftfan #art #artcollector #sellnft #buynft #howtogetnftfree #freenft #nftnew #nftupdate #nftartis #nftnews #nftterbaru #jualnft #belinft #buatnftmenggunakanandroid #nftandroid #nfthp #boredapeyacthclub #azuki #invisiblefriends #nftmoney #moneynft #caramembuatnft #membuatnft #buatnft #caramembuatnftmenggunkanandroid #membuatnftmenggunkanhp #caramembuatnftmenggunkanhp #membuatnftmenggunkanandroid #tutorialmembuatnft #tutorialcaramembuatnft #tutorialmembuatnftmenggunakanhp #tutorialmembuatnftmenggunakanandroid #tutorialmembelinft #tutorialmenjualnft #tutorialbelinft #tutorialjualnft #tutorialbuatnft #snipenft #nftexplained #nftmovie #nftbotsmalltowninvestigations #nfthowtogetstarted #whatisnft #nftforbeginners #nftfied #nftbotengineeringminds #madonnanft #howtomakenft #howtomakenftdigitalart #nftsong #howtosellnft #easydrawing #nftgame #howtocreatenft #howtomakeannft #nftcrash #thenftmovie #howtoeditgachalifeinibispaintx #howtodrawonibispaintx #howtoediteyesinibispaintxgachalife #howtoedithairinibispaintx #Ibispaintxtutorial

Dressage rider, instructor and vlogger for Cape Town, South Africa


Hi guys! My name is Mickey. I am a dressage rider, instructor and vlogger for Cape Town, South Africa. My warmblood gelding and I compete in Dressage South Africa Medium level. We started out as a Prelim combination, and worked our way up through the grades together. The struggles and successes we have experienced as a team further fuel my passion to make horse riding more accessible to the general public. We show you everything from how to put on, fit and care for your bridle, saddle and boots, to how you can plan your very own freestyle; daily motivational videos that are not only aimed at dressage riders, but to all riders, and just people who need a pick-me-up in general; and vlogcasts with industry experts that give you in-depth views. Thank you so much for joining me on this exciting journey. https://www.glorioushorizonsequestria...

Ghost Towns and Mining Camps of Nevada and California.


I decided to start this channel out of pure enjoyment of exploring the old Ghost Towns of Nevada and California and the back country where they are found and, just to get the feel and sense of what the lives of those who lived there was like. Then a friend of mine who is into photography and had similar interest about the history and what it took to live back then decided to join, So that's how it all started...this channel is not about the paranormal... only history and exploring... we upload a new video every Sunday.

Shaping Opinion Podcast


This is the Rumble home to the Shaping Opinion Podcast. The Shaping Opinion podcast helps you see through the spin. It reveals things you may not know, and it exposes other things some may want to keep hidden. Its focus is on how your thoughts and attitudes are influenced to create change in the culture, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse. Host Tim O’Brien – author, senior media advisor and veteran damage control expert – seeks to empower you with a fresh perspective. He comfortably takes you inside trending issues, stories and to the people who unravel it all through deep-dive conversations. After decades in handling high stakes and complex crisis management situations, Tim probes to uncover what’s real and what matters. Watch or listen every Monday wherever you get your podcasts. Shape opinion, shape the person. Shape the person, shape the world.