The Deborah Peters Show - Living Life On The Leading Edge Of Thought


The Deborah Peters Show unpacks the deeper awareness of our lives. Each week, we will bring you the most incredible guests who aim to be on the leading edge of thought addressing the five main aspects of life: Health – We will continually explore the connection between your mind, emotions, body and spiritual maturity. A Higher Mind approach, a fresh new perspective of how you create your levels of health and vibrancy. Hopefully, we’ll introduce you to notions you haven’t yet considered. Wealth – Creating money, keeping money, growing money….probably the hottest three topics on everyone’s mind, whether you have it or wish you did. Let’s unpack how to create money and have a healthy relationship with being wealthy and solvent. Business – What does it take these days to build and lead a successful company into the future? A whole new approach to business success unfolds right here. Relationships – The quality of our lives is directly impacted by the quality of our relationships – including and especially the relationship we have with ourselves. This big topic is never boring, from love and romance to family, business and friendships. Self Expression – Who are you BE-ing? What and whom do you show the world? Is it your true self or a dialed-back version of who you really are deep inside and are avoiding embracing? Let’s dig in and create your authentic Self Expression.

Earth Save Science Collaborative


This is the official channel for the Earth Save Science Collaborative (ESSC) project. The purpose of this project will be to engage in scientific research to address the global climate threat. We need the brightest scientific minds of this world, capable of thinking unconventionally and innovatively. Dr. Egon Cholakian, a lobbyist in the US Congress and White House, a member of the CERN laboratory’s “Future Circular Collider” project group and the user group of the National Laser Thermonuclear Reaction Complex at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a lecturer, a member of the International Association of Intelligence Service Teachers, invites all scientists who care about humanity’s fate to join in creating a unified international scientific center. For more detailed information about the project for establishing a unified scientific center, you can visit the website

Soothing Music For Relaxation Maditation & Sleeping, Romantic Music. spa music, positive Energy Music. Morning Music. Relaxing studying Music.


Soothing Music for Relaxing Meditation  and Deep sleeping. Relaxing sleep music, Deep sleeping music, Stress Relief and Healing Music, Meditation and Flying Music, Relaxing Music for studying, Peaceful soothing Music, positive energy music, spa music, Morning Relaxing Music. Romantic music. Peaceful soothing Music. positive energy music. spa music, Morning Relaxing Music. soft piano music. Relaxing piano music. Relaxing Drum Music. Guitar Music. Violin Music. Cello music. Tabla and Hang Drum yoga music. Bamboo flute music. Instrumental Music. Instrumental background music.

Știri (Global News România)


"Știri": emisiune tv și online a Global News România, post tv românesc de știri, dezvăluiri și dezbateri, cu emisie tv și online și succesorul fostului post tv News România (care a fost mereu și foarte abuziv cenzurat, amendat și apoi închis de C.N.A. în 2.08.2022): Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Știri" și "Știrea exactă" (de la Global News România), în canal video din Ediții ale celorlalte emisiuni tv și online de la Global News România și de la fostul post tv News România, în secțiunea Toate video-urile utilizatorului "News România" din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Starea de veghe" (de la Global News România), în canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Efect politic" (de la Global News România), în canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "La ordinea zilei" (de la News România), în canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "România unită" (de la News România), în canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Avocatul tău" (de la News România), în canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Starea de constituționalitate" (de la News România), în canal video din Ediții ale emisiunii tv și online "Insomnia" (de la News România), în canal video din Site-ul postului tv Global News România: SCOPUL NOSTRU ESTE SĂ FIM O TELEVIZIUNE LIBERĂ, INDEPENDENTĂ, OBIECTIVĂ, CARE SĂ PROMOVEZE ADEVĂRUL, MORALITATEA, VALORILE NAȚIONALE ȘI INTERESUL ECONOMIC AL ROMÂNIEI, SĂ FIE CÂINELE DE PAZĂ AL DEMOCRAȚIEI.

Roman Prokopchuk


Roman Prokopchuk is a 1st generation immigrant from Ukraine. He arrived in US with 6 other family members to a 2 bedroom apartment. Roman interned with the Secret Service and held a top secret government clearance. He was forced to become a self taught digital marketer as a result of the 2008 recession, and fell in love with it. Roman has 13 years of experience leading digital teams in senior leadership roles on over 600 campaigns across many industries. He founded Nova Zora Digital in 2012. Roman is the host of the Digital Savage Experience Podcast. He is a foster parent, and has had 27 kids in his home since June 2018. He became a foster parent by going through 6 miscarriages with his wife in 3 years, 2 of which happened on Christmas Days. With death, loss, and hardships Roman pushes through no matter what.