Legal Training Center


Lawyers Are Often punch line of jokes.It takes years of hard work and intensive study to become a lawyer.for those who work hard.the reward of being an advocate out weigh the cost of achieving law degree and license to practice reward is only possible after knowing, studying and practicing consistantly on the subject and we are working,delivering the knowledging for professional community.This channel provides all the topic about to become a good lawyers.

Clay Center Ks 575 GMRS Repeater


This Group for anyone interested in GMRS Radio or Emergency Communications. The General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) is a licensed radio service that uses channels around 462 MHz and 467 MHz. The most common use of GMRS channels is for short-distance, two-way voice communications using hand-held radios, mobile radios and repeater systems. In 2017, the FCC expanded GMRS to also allow short data messaging applications including text messaging and GPS location information. Services that provide functionality similar to GMRS include the Citizens Band Radio Service (CBRS), the Family Radio Service (FRS) and the Multi-Use Radio Service (MURS). The GMRS is available to an individual (one man or one woman) for short-distance two-way communications to facilitate the activities of licensees and their immediate family members. Each licensee manages a system consisting of one or more transmitting units (stations.) The rules for GMRS limit eligibility for new GMRS system licenses to individuals in order to make the service available to personal users. (Some previously licensed non-individual systems are allowed to continue using GMRS.) In 2017, the FCC updated the GMRS by allotting additional interstitial channels in the 467 MHz band, increased the license term from 5 to 10 years, allowed transmission of limited data applications such as text messaging and GPS location information and made other updates to the GMRS rules to reflect modern application of the service. An FCC license is required to operate GMRS system. Licenses are issued for a ten-year term and can be renewed between 90 days prior to the expiration date and up to the actual expiration date of the license. After a license expires, an individual must request a new GMRS license. A GMRS system licensed to a non-individual prior to July 31, 1987 is also eligible for renewal, but the licensee may not make any major modification to the system. You may apply for a GMRS license if you are 18 years or older and not a representative of a foreign government. If you receive a license, any family member, regardless of age, can operate GMRS stations and units within the licensed system. The FCC service rules for the GMRS are located in 47 C.F.R. Part 95 Subpart E. You can find information about GMRS licensing in the rules.

Victory Center IRC Verified


Get the latest teaching continuously from the Victory Center Church in Helsingborg, Sweden. Do not forget to subscribe to the channel and to share its content. An international full gospel fellowship where both English and Swedish is a natural part of our gatherings. Where many nationalities are integrated into a warm community for the whole family, with worship, prayer, and the word as the core of our faith in Jesus Christ. Få senaste undervisningen fortlöpande från församlingen Victory Center i Helsingborg Sverige. Glöm inte att prenumerera på kanalen och att dela dess innehåll. En levande församling i Nordvästra Skåne med bas i Helsingborg och husförsamlingar i Örkelljunga, Förslöv och Åstorp. Ett andligt hem för den troende till att växa i tron och till en Jesu lärjunge i tjänst både i mission och till vardag.

Rayleigh Criterion


• Diffraction limits resolution. • For a circular aperture, lens, or mirror, the Rayleigh criterion states that two images are just resolvable when the center of the diffraction pattern of one is directly over the first minimum of the diffraction pattern of the other. • This occurs for two point objects separated by the angle θ = 1.22 λ / D, where λ is the wavelength of light (or other electromagnetic radiation) and D is the diameter of the aperture, lens, mirror, etc. This equation also gives the angular spreading of a source of light having a diameter D. From Average vision is 5 × 10⁻⁴ radians or 103.13 arcseconds or a ratio of 1:2000 [1 unit resolvable at 2000 units]

Detroit Threat Management Center


We are a private corporation that specializes in non-violent methods of managing threats. Detroit Threat Management Center provides education and facilitation services for individuals, corporations, communities, civilians and police. Our tactics and strategies will enable participants to deter violence through body language projection, de-escalation and positive inspirational communication. Participants will learn how to properly read body language in order to distinguish real threats from false threats. This will enable participants to preemptively detect violent intentions of people prior to an aggressor’s actions. This will enable participants with the ability to avoid taking inappropriate actions related to false positives. Psychology, law and skills are incorporated in our training so participants are able to manage all levels of interactions, and create a non-adversarial interactions, and create non-violent outcomes.