book of ours: The New Model Series


Through image, design, movement and music, book of ours documents the Age of Covid, The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the New Model Series. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a revolution you weren’t asked to join and never voted for. This is a change so profound that it required a lockdown of the entire planet in order to implement it. This revolution is made up of initiatives like sustainable development, multi-stakeholder committees and global governance. This isn’t the New World Order. This is the new normal. This is the New Model. This is The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Curvy Fashion Models


Do you like Curvy woman? me to, welcome to Curvy Fashion Models. Try on Hauls. I hope you enjoy my channel and Subscribe! ### Source for Vacation Outfit Inspiration, Try on Hauls, Lookbooks and Style Tips! Some of you may know me from my Instagram @kallyzbrand where I've been blessed to influence millions sharing daily outfit inspo. On this channel I'll be sharing my passion for fashion, fitness, travel and even sharing business and self-development tips, giving insights into how you can thrive and accomplish happiness. Thanks for watching :)

Indigenous Wisdom for the Modern World


Namaste and welcome to Annapurna. The purpose of this channel is to make indigenous wisdom available to the modern world in simple, usable and nuanced form. This is a living library of information, people and wisdom rarely seen and sorely needed in today's world. Each piece of content here at Annapurna seeks to elevate human consciousness and bring us closer to our true nature. What does Annapurna mean? It is a combination of two Sanskrit words: Anna (seed) and Purna (completion; exaltation). It signifies the potential for spiritual & material realization inherent in all life. For this reason, Annapurna is a goddess associated with Mother Nature & Nutrition in Vedic cosmology. Website: Blog: Accessible Ayurveda: Indigenous Shop: On Demand Classes: Navaratri Festival: Land Conservation & Rural Education Project (Mexico):

Eu Acredito no Poder da Oração


Acredito que a oração pode ser uma ferramenta incrivelmente poderosa para nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e receber Sua orientação e apoio. A oração também pode nos ajudar a encontrar paz e conforto em tempos difíceis e pode ser uma fonte de força em situações desafiadoras. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto positivo em nossas vidas, tanto individual quanto coletivamente. Acredito que a oração pode ter um impacto poderoso em nossas vidas. A oração pode nos ajudar a nos conectar com Deus e nos fornecer força e orientação em tempos difíceis. A oração também pode nos ajudar a aprender mais sobre nós mesmos e a apreciar as bênçãos em nossa vida. Eu acredito no poder da oração e não importa quais palavras usamos em nossas preces, o que importa é o que o coração deseja dizer. A oração é a chave para nós mesmos, é a porta que nos leva a Deus e a tudo que ele tenta nos mostrar. Amo os que me amam. Quem me procura, encontra-me. Provérbios 8,17.



In every age, God raises people up to speak the truth to the world in a way that is currently relevant. Though our opinions should not be held with the same esteem as the Biblical cannon, we still carry the hope of Christ to the world. Our society has forgotten what it means to follow Christ. The bright lights of truth seekers are barely visible in the dim twilight of a post-Judeo-Christian society. We all see the darkness coming. All we can hope is to share the light that He has entrusted to us. This is Modern Apocrypha.