Jennifer McWilliams


Jennifer has spent the last 2 years educating Indiana parents on the dangers of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how to stop it. The organization that she built is now the largest parental rights education group in Indiana. Jennifer is currently working to educate and activate people across America to fight this radical program. SEL is transforming the attitudes, values, morals & worldview of this generation of children and it must be stopped systemically. Jennifer has the knowledge, passion and experience to help freedom loving patriots do exactly that and she is looking forward to building this movement from coast to coast. To learn more about Jennifer:

Fitzwilliam on tour


With our less or more pronounced talents and our good opportunities, we can make the world a more beautiful place. Fitzwilliam on tour | F.O.T. Platform that deals with the evolution and emancipation of keyboard music in the 16th and 17th centuries with a focus on the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book (1560-1620), on early Iberian keyboard music, but also on G. Frescobaldi, D. Buxtehude, J. Pachelbel a.m.o. Fitzwilliam on tour forms an interface between different musical currents and projects. Institutionalization would be a nice goal.  F.o.t. is an opportunity to get to know works by well-known, little-known and anonymous composers.  After all, listening and playing - the extensive preoccupation with this beautiful music - is a lot of fun. Cordial invitation. Cuckoo Clock Media | F.o.t. production is the associated private, non-commercial label. Dr. Johannes B. Ring



I am in no way affiliated with MaximilianMus nor trying to impersonate him. I have his permission to archive his old videos here on my channel. The content I upload is not eligible for monetization, so I do not get paid by Google Adsense. However, you can support me by sending me a dollar or two via PayPal if you're feeling generous. I usually upload everyday at 8pm CET. Thank you for being here and enjoy!!! Donate here:

Marcelo Sicoli (Brasilia - Brazil)


Corretor de Imóveis em Brasília-DF traz neste canal além de imóveis para venda (apartamentos,casas, fazendas, salas comerciais etc) entrevistas e análises sobre mercado imobiliário, gestão condominial, artes plásticas e arquitetura em todo Brasil e no mundo. Real Estate Broker in Brasília-DF brings in this channel in addition to properties for sale (apartments, houses, farms, commercial rooms, etc.) interviews and analysis about real estate market, condominium management , arts and architecture throughout Brazil and in the world.