Fireside Chat With David James


Fireside Chat - A show with common sense thinking hosted by David James ( ). Today, David speaks his mind. Let’s think together and use our minds in the proper way they should be used…to think. The Archive for Fireside Chats is located here: My e-mail: Web: Web streaming: Telegram Chatgroup:



Mark Yegge is a recognized Wealth Architect, Hedge Fund manager, Author and Teacher in the Financial sector and the personal development arena. He has helped thousands of 6- and 7-figure investors create strategies for increasing returns, decreasing risk and reducing tax impact from investing. He is a co-founder of several mastermind groups helping successful people augment their lives in the areas of wealth, health, relationships, spirit and lifestyle. Some of his recognized programs include: The Cash Flow Machine The EPIC Mastermind Stock Trade Genius University Trade Like A Pro Hacking Money (book, course, and website) Negotiate To Win-Win (book, audio book, course, website) The Secrets of Business (book, website) The Regular Paycheck Strategy ...and much more.....

Search and Rescue w/ Scott Robb


There’s only one group of people that can save our country from itself. 1st responders in fire, police and military, both active and retired, are the truly selfless servants we need leading in our communities. For those folks, we’ve created the Search and Rescue Podcast as your ultimate resource. Whether its professional development, peer-led support services, or ways to keep serving beyond retirement, we need you with us in this fight. Join us. Work to be the best version of yourself, and together we can restore our great nation’s values one neighborhood at a time. Welcome to Search and Rescue



Dieser Kanal bringt bunt gemischte Videos. Vor allem christliche Inhalte. Aber auch Lieder, Videos von Fahrradtouren, Landschaftsbilder und Predigten. Wenn YouTube Werbung in manchen Videos einblendet, dann kann ich daran nichts ändern, tut mir leid, das kommt von YouTube! 📧Kontakt Email: ➾Ich habe drei Bücher geschrieben. Nur eines davon ist noch im Buchhandel: Mein Buch zur Schizophrenie, unter der ich lange gelitten habe, unter einem Pseudonym veröffentlicht: 📘Jacob Blackbird: Horror im Wolkenkuckucksheim 🙏🏻Soli Deo Gloria!✝️ 🗣️Röm 10,13: denn: »Jeder, der den Namen des Herrn anruft, wird gerettet werden«. ❤️Der Name des Herrn lautet: Jesus Christus!