Vídeo Arte Música by Sandro Lima


🔴 Vídeo Arte Música by Sandro Lima é um canal onde mostro meus trabalhos ARTÍSTICOS, e MUSICAIS de minha autoria. No qual serão disponibilizados vídeos, e músicas feitos por mim gratuitamente, nas plataformas de vídeo e música, royalty free, para você usar em seus projetos. Muito obrigado! E um grande abraço da alma! **Sandro Lima ------------ 🔴 Ficarei Feliz por sua Doação! Isso me motivará cada vez mais, fazer projetos EXCLUSIVOS e GRATUITOS, para Você!!! 🔰 LINK PARA DOAÇÃO (LINK TO DONATION): ➽➽ https://bit.ly/DONATE-PAYPAL-DOACAO ------------- 🔴 QUERO UM VÍDEO OU MÚSICA EXCLUSIVO PARA O MEU PROJETO🔴 Caso você queira um vídeo, áudio, imagens exclusivas (único) para seu projeto, entre em contato com meu e-mail, ou Whatsapp para conversar, e ver preços. 🔴WHATSAPP: ➽➽53 984 52 03 18 (Sandro Lima) 🔴TELEGRAM: ➽➽ https://t.me/SandroLimaSankllaus 🔴EMAIL OFICIAL: **E-mail 1 ➽➽ conexaofenixbrasilplus70@gmail.com **E-mail 2 ➽➽ sulsemfronteiras@gmail.com

Meta Pours Fluid Art


I am absolutely in love with acrylic pouring and fluid art! Join me on my journey as I explore different styles and techniques! I love to share what I have learned with others, and most of my videos are in more of tutorial form. Explaining things the way I would have wanted when I was starting out. I would love it if you joined me on my newly formed Facebook group (which is still in it's baby stages) to continue the conversation. As well as a place to share, and learn. You can find us here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/metapoursfluidart

Evelin Barta


Hi, I'm Evelin Barta and this channel is all about connecting to the Divine and claiming your innate spiritual power. I channel Source energy and interdimensional beings, like the Galactic Federation of Light & the Pleiadians who are assisting us humans with our spiritual awakening and our ascension to the 5th dimensional consciousness. My goal is to encourage people to challenge old belief systems and start living their lives in accordance with their souls purpose. Subscribe to my channel and join me on this Lightworker journey to raise the consciousness of this planet together! ♡ New videos every week! Email: bevelyne86@gmail.com

Dag Heward-Mills Wisdom Impartation Services


Enjoy these and many more videos of the world renowned Evangelist, prolific Christian Author and Super-mega church pastor, Bishop Dag Heward-Mills on this channel Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is the founder of the United Denominations, a world wide denomination with a presence in 100 countries. As the healing evangelist of the Healing Jesus Campaigns, thousands have been miraculously healed and millions have received salvation through Jesus Christ. Many in remote towns in Africa will testify of the amazing miracles they witnessed when they experienced the Healing Jesus Campaigns. As a worldwide Conference Speaker, Evangelist Dag has thousands of messages preached. As a bestselling author he has an amazing 100-book library known as the Makarios. The answer to many of your questions is in the Makarios! As you follow this page, may you begin to know God in a way you have never before! Don’t forget to click the subscribe button and turn on all notifications

Ancient Oak Psychic Arts


Welcome to my channel! Hello and Welcome BEAUTIFUL souls & Thank you for viewing my channel. My name is Alison, I am an INTUITIVE Empath Tarot reader and Psychic. I feel energies and feelings from the cards & the sign I am reading for. I am a messenger for those that need the message at the time of watching the video. ONLINE TAROT MASTER CLASS: This class is only offered twice a year - Spring and Fall. FALL TAROT MASTER CLASS: 4 week Online Tarot Master Class: Sunday October 06, 13, 20, 27 2024, 7PM -9PM EST. We meet on Zoom. For a FULL DESCRIPTION visit my website https://ancientoakpsychicarts.com/services To purchase the 4 week Online Tarot Master Class, go to https://ancientoakpsychicarts.com "Book A Session" Scroll to Tarot Master Class PODCAST: Look for In-depth hard-talk interviews with fascinating and remarkable speakers, authors, researchers, journalists, scientists and truth speakers from all over the world. The guests on our shows share information and disclose details and knowledge about hidden agendas, personal experiences and otherworldly phenomena. TAROT TUESDAY: LIVE 7PM EST Alison will be answering your questions LIVE. Post your question on PayPal with your donation, $10 Minimum. Please state 'Your Question' in the 'Add a note' section : https://www.paypal.me/alisonawagner Submit your questions before or during the show and they will be answered LIVE. ***Late submissions will be answered LIVE the following week. MISSING PERSON CONSULTATION: Discuss your Missing Persons case with Alison to see if this is the appropriate service for you and your loved ones. Learn what to expect before, during and after your Missing Persons Psychic Reading is done. Learn how you need to prepare and what kind of results you can expect. Alison is fully transparent. *Note: This is the initial consultation before we move forward with the Psychic Reading Session(s). TAROT READINGS: I do personal, intuitive readings by Zoom. Discover spiritual insights by allowing me to provide you with intuitive guidance, which may assist you in making clear and informed decisions that may shape the future to your advantage. Book your consultation today via my website. https://ancientoakpsychicarts.com (Formerly https://tarotbyalison.com) 🌟Donations are greatly appreciated 🌟 https://www.paypal.me/alisonawagner Blessing to you! Your support is needed and greatly appreciated! Any donation will support our work! We thank you all very much! TAROT AND ORACLE DECKS I USE IN MY VIDEOS. AFFILIATE LINKS BELOW. TAROT: FOREST OF ENCHANTMENT TAROT DECK: https://amzn.to/434IWwc GOLDEN ART NOUVEAU TAROT DECK: https://amzn.to/3Xx7cpV RADIANT RIDER-WAITE TAROT DECK: https://amzn.to/3NP2C2X RIDER TAROT DECK , CLASSIC: https://amzn.to/440OV6H THE GILDED TAROT: https://amzn.to/3NS0aIT ORACLE: KEEPERS OF THE LIGHT ORACLE CARDS: https://amzn.to/440HrAt THE MYSTIQUE OF MAGDALENE: https://amzn.to/46p1x9g WILD WISDOM AUSTRALIA: https://amzn.to/44kt6yL WISDOM OF THE ORACLE: https://amzn.to/441JTqF WOODLAND WARDENS: https://amzn.to/44knxjM DONATIONS If you've enjoyed the video and want to buy me a coffee/support the channel, you can send me a donation through PayPal. Please state 'donation' in the 'Add a note' section : https://www.paypal.me/alisonawagner #tarotreading #dailytarot #tarot #Psychic #zodiac #intuitive #astrology #angel #love #light #highvibration #energy #lightworker #shadowwork #manifestation #divine #portal #oracle #mystic #lunar #eclipse #moon #newmoon #tarotclasses #TarotTuesday #tarotbyalison #AncientOakPsychicArts