Susan and Kassandra


Kassandra, speaking through Susan Ashley, is a spiritual representative of the universal feminine. She is part of the white and blue councils and speaks on behalf of them as a consciousness. She does not call herself a master, as to do so would insinuate hierarchy, which is not in alignment with her message that we are all equally co-creating. Spreading a message of hope and love for the planet, Kassandra empowers us to remember who we are, why we are here and what we personally can do to co-create a planet of peace and love through clear intentions and right action. So far her message has been through personal readings and groups in Australia, Ireland, Slovenia, Croatia and Netherlands. However, now she is keen to widen the word through the use of technology. Despite having independent successful careers, Susan (Psychotherapist) and her husband Jani (Lawyer) have agreed to open their lives to the service of this message. This was our old youtube channel to which we have no longer access:

Village Grandpa's Cooking


70+ years 3 brothers grandpa cooking good food for unfortunate (autistic kids, physically challenged, old age, poor & disabled) people of village community. When I serve food to unfortunate people they want more things to do like someone want wheel chair, some want house, some want money to buy medicine. So we think we should help them more. So we want to take donation and patreon campaign money to help the unfortunate people. Lot of autistic child has not any guardian, we want to help them. ​ ​So now we open patreon for our fan and whoever think that this 3 brothers grandpa doing something for the village society unfortunate people. Please join in our patreon campaign They want to do it more and more for poor people. So please support and subscribe our channel.