Truth to the Rescue


Real Truth always comes with provable and irrefutable proof! This channel\'s intent is to expose the multitude of interwoven grand global deceptions and disclose the Truth, while encouraging all to learn to Question Everything vs take what the World spoon feeds you to be an absolute fact without ever researching the statements and proving to themselves that such things are indeed true. In doing so you will be surprised by how much you have been told since birth and think you know but in reality, have NO IDEA! The Truth you\'ll discover, is often Stranger than Fiction. We create and share in order to wake humankind up to all that has been purposefully hidden from us, in order to control us and rule us, suppressing our God given abilities, freedoms, health and human rights. Custom Created Video Content is released and posted as frequently as possible, as well as creating and placing what we\'ve vetted out to the be the best produced videos on various Truther Topics - which we welcome suggestions for additions to the playlists to expand the archives for future individuals to have an overabundance factual videos reproving all that is fake and fraudulent, in order to wake people up, and ultimately allow Truth do what it does best, and that is ultimately bring people closer to an understanding of their creator in which to help develop their relationship with their Father in Heaven who desires us to know these things as Truth is the Ultimate Protection and Weapon against the wiles of the Devil.

The Truth Must Be Told


On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays The Truth Must Be Told podcast looks at current events from a Biblical point of view. You see, in the current affairs of the world, we are looking at the end of times and it is important to know how the news of the day fits into Biblical prophecy. Christians have concerns much like anyone else and the podcast will give you something to think about to make informed decisions and reinforce the blessed Hope of His return. We'll have some fun as well, so join in to each podcast.

Seeking the Truth & Exposing the Lies of our World


Exposing the Hidden Truths of our Society and our Earth - HEALTH & MEDICAL FRAUD - COVID FRAUD - NASA FRAUD - FE - NWO - VACCINES - HIDDEN HISTORY - FAKED MOON LANDINGS - ETC - The powers that be have lied to the public about literally everything from medicine, the human body, health, viruses & diseases, space, the shape of the earth, our history, financial system, and much more. Help expose the truth and wake up the masses by exploring & sharing the truth content on this channel, much of which was provided by numerous truth seekers from around the world! A big thank you for all the content creators that have contributed their precious time and money and risked their reputations and careers to create some of the great content on this channel! YOU are the true patriots of our society!!

The Flat Out Truth


Our goal for The Flat Out Truth is to build a community of truth seekers. The world lies to us about history, relationships, politics, government, science, health, even about our own faith. We are here to gather these seekers together for clarity and camaraderie. Find a brother or sister in truth you never knew existed with the knowledge you never knew you always wanted. Donate $5+ and receive a link for our private Discord server where we are currently discussing truth in all things. A storm is coming And That's The Flat Out Truth! 👊🏽📖⚖️💵🔬📐🔭🗺💉🗓👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👀👈🏾

The truth behind Brazilan politics


This channel has as main objective the analysis of political, scientific, cultural, philosophical and etc. contents. We also intend to divulge trips to different countries and ecological and anthropological parks and the local culture of the people.contents of the new world: amazonia.tropical forests, culture of the novices, day of the people of latin america, parties, violence and their economies, in addition to a general coverage of the political and social geography of the people of the world