Free training for career options that will teach you high demand skills and get you a job FAST:


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Manifest Your Best Life: Abraham Hicks Teachings & Law of Attraction


Unlock the power of the Law of Attraction and transform your life with teachings inspired by Abraham Hicks. Dive into topics like abundance, alignment, meditation, vibrational energy, and spiritual growth, all designed to help you manifest your best life. Whether you're looking to attract wealth, improve relationships, or enhance your health, our videos guide you on a journey to discover the secrets of manifestation and an abundance mindset. With soothing nature views and practical insights, this channel is your go-to destination for Abraham Hicks teachings, manifestation tips, and the Law of Attraction.



Welcome to Lessons ♾️ Teachings ♾️ blessings! Thank you for Being Here! ☀️ I'm an Identity Transcendence Coach, Personal Trainer and Psychedelic Remembering Guide. 🐸🍄🌿 The Goal of this channel is to help you create and maintain Your Highest Self Expression. ❤️ By sharing with You the Holistic Methods, Habits, Principles, Perspectives and Wisdom that I've gathered over the past decade of my studies and dozens upon dozens of Psychedelic Ceremonies. You will also find videos of me Transcending my own Habits, Beliefs, and Self-Identity as Leading by Example and Practicing what I Preach is one of my Core Values. Next to Unconditional Love and Self-Responsibility. My passion is knowledge, yet my Method is meeting you where you're at and allowing You to reach your own natural conclusions that are already present within you, ready to Unfold into your next Natural Stage of Evolution. I believe that everyone has a Direct and Intuitive line to what is Exactly Right for them when they Listen to their Heart and tune out the static noise fear creates. Everyone has Direct Access to the Truth they need in this Moment to Unfold the path in front of them. With Love ❤️ - a Devotee of Truth - ♾️ Devotus Veritatis ♾️

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