

Seeking information about your spiritual challenges? Need an uplift, a word of knowledge, a prophetic word, reconciliation to the one true God, and other inspirational information? Saved back in 1997, Nicholl McGuire brings to you a wealth of information based on personal and Christian experience, research and interviews. A background in journalism and communications, this certified Sunday school teacher has written articles and books. Be moved to do something about the issues you face: relationship, business, spirituality, parenting, and more. Religious denomination not necessary, but faith is a must! Nicholl is a believer in the Father (Old Testament), His Son Jesus (New Testament) and the Holy Ghost left behind by the Messiah according to the Book of Acts. Those who feel led to bless, thank you. This channel is for educational and entertainment purposes. Seek a professional for serious concerns. Material discussed does not reflect all views of the speaker and her associates.

The Untold Stories


Some stories will speak louder to you than others. Some will have deeper meaning. Some will make you cry. Some will make you laugh. Some will give you a warm feeling all over. Some may hit you right between the eyes. There is no right reaction. There is only your reaction. Let it happen and let it be. The purpose of this channel and the messages I have tried to convey through the many stories is to instill in you a belief that the life that you lead is in your hands. You can mold it by believing and by broadcasting, by becoming charged positively and ultimately making a difference, not just in your life but in the lives of those around you. If I can in some small way change those vibrations within you, then the purpose of this podcast has clearly been achieved. For feedback or any inquiries email on -

Lucy tells a story


Every video here is a gift I wish I could leave to my children I hope the children will be nourished in the film... The channel concept of Wednesday Study Room is derived from a picture book The name of the picture book is called Wednesday Bookstore / Author / Sylvia Niman Illustrator / Olivier Talek Publisher / Lian Jing Publishing The content of this book is to say one thing from the perspective of a little girl who often hangs around the bookstore This little girl discovered that every Wednesday an old grandpa would come to the bookstore, sit in the same corner, choose the same book, and cry while reading it The little girl is full of curiosity about the old grandpa, but on Wednesdays when grandpa does not come, she will also be full of concern and worry. One day the book that grandpa reads every time disappears, the little girl thinks. . . Books were bought as Christmas gifts. . . The other surprise gift was that the bookstore lady packaged the book as a Christmas present and gave it to the grandfather. . . This simple picture book moved me a lot. I have always been a heavy user of youtube, and I often learn various things here. I think that everyone can provide their own small gifts. I want to make a channel like this, maybe a book Maybe it's the spirit of the story, or it's just a funny episode. I hope that everyone who sees it can gain something and get the gift of spiritual nourishment in the Wednesday study. . .