

Velkommen til Destilleriet - en podcast, hvor vi tager såvel lokale som globale begivenheder, kulturfænomener eller bare det, der lige skal luftes og destillerer det hele ned til essensen, som vi kan lide den! Smagen har noter af modent, hengemt, gammelklogt og med toner af sølvpapir, så det er ikke for sarte smagsløg - byder dog gerne på en oplevelse fremfor det samme sammenkog af rigtige meninger og fine fornemmelser. Vi søger gerne uden for de etablerede medier efter et bredere perspektiv og gør forhåbentligt dermed hinananden lidt klogere - det hele i et afslappet format med plads til både alvor og grin. Smid gerne din feedback i kommentarfeltet eller skriv direkte til os på

Rumble / Dogs & Puppies — This drama queen Husky refuses to sit in the back seat and tries everything to get to the front seat! What a funny doggo! Dogs & Puppies — Meet baby Ruger! Even though he is too small to be a sled dog, he still manages


Rumble / Dogs & Puppies — This drama queen Husky refuses to sit in the back seat and tries everything to get to the front seat! What a funny doggo! Dogs & Puppies — Meet baby Ruger! Even though he is too small to be a sled dog, he still manages to practice his skills! How adorable is that? Check out the hysterical way this pup has picked to fall asleep! On his back, snoring and paws up in the air! It's hilarious!

Stillness Sessions with Cezarina


Welcome, dearest soul friend, you who is taking time to enjoy this channel. When we are able to experience the priceless gift of Stillness, our mind sheds its layers of distraction, making way for clarity and wisdom to surface. It is as if the turbulence of our thoughts settles, allowing the deep reservoirs of intuition to rise to the surface.When we are able to experience the priceless gift of Stillness, our mind sheds its layers of distraction, making way for clarity and wisdom to surface. It is as if the turbulence of our thoughts settles, allowing the deep reservoirs of intuition to rise to the surface. ACCESS the Stillness sessions' full recordings here: