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Mr. Shy Official Channel


Produced by 3-time Grammy winner Juan Belmonte and other top dance producers from around the globe, Mr. Shy is a soul/pop singer, songwriter and performer from New York City -- and a true original. Mr. Shy's influences range from Marvin Gaye to Prince to The Beatles. His own singing, writing and performing over the years has resulted in a mature, distinctive song craft and style of musical expression very much his own. All Mr. Shy albums, singles and remix EPs are available on digital stores worldwide, including iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and more. In 2006, Mr. Shy released his debut album, "Super Star". Guided by a passionate voice, delivering straight forward lyrics of love, and sewn together with infectious hooks and harmonies, "Super Star" is a carefully crafted album of pop songs with an r&b/urban edge. http://mr-shy.com http://itunes.com/mr.shy http://facebook.com/MrShy.Official http://twitter.com/mr_shy http://youtube.com/mrshy http://instagram.com/mrshy_music

Veterans Benefits Delay-Deny-Hope you Die.


This is a Channel dedicated to 34 years I have been trying to get the benefits I'm entitled to from the Veterans Benefits Administration AKA VA-VBA I'm 68 years old now and I'm still fighting them I was 0% SC but when I move to Florida they took that 0% without due process no CP exam Nada. So during that time I was thinking all along I was in the Club. is a long story I hope you will subscribe to my new channel if you are a Veteran or even give a shit about Veterans so Im going to mix it up and add some Comedy to this shit.

Dying In Indian Country


The U.S. Government has set up a system that allows crime and corruption to go unchecked and without repercussion on many reservations. Several tribal governments have been using and abusing families for the sake of power and money. Federal government has literally made the decision to protect tribal sovereignty at all cost – even the cost of our children. It is well known crime and corruption is rampant on many reservations. The last two U.S. censuses show that 75% of tribal members do NOT live in Indian Country. Many have taken their families and left due to the crime and corruption, feeling the reservation is unsafe for their children. Some families left a generation or two ago. Despite documented deaths of children and an ongoing exodus from Indian Country, federal government has consistently looked the other way. Officials in the White House, BIA and DOJ choose to support tribal leaders - who claim to speak for everyone - rather than support tribal members, who, although they are U.S citizens, are told constitutional rights don\'t always apply to them. Tribal leaders do NOT speak for every person of heritage - nor do they know what is best for every individual child of heritage. Despite claims of looking out for the youth, the reality is tribal leaders - as well as the BIA - have a vested financial interest in maintaining control over our children. Our Congressmen need to put children before politics. Crime and corruption are never made better and can never be made better by giving those responsible for the crime and corruption more power and money. --------- Read more and get the book at - http://caicw.org - and - http://dyinginindiancountry.com/