

The world is changing at breakneck speed. Right now, people are making choices that will decide the future for both themselves, as well as the entire world. Xiaoxu Sean Lin, a veteran, political analyst and commentator, helps to lead you through the unfolding events, discover the truth and see the forest through the trees. Exposing the truth requires a brave heart - so let\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s muster up our courage, and strive toward a better world together. Dr. Lin is an immigrant from Mainland China, a survivor of Tiananmen Square Massacre in 1989. He is also a veteran with 9-year service in U.S. Army as an enlisted soldier and commissioned officer. Dr. Lin is also a member of the Committee of Present Danger: China, a member of the Coalition to Advance Religious Freedom in China. Dr. Lin has a BS degree in Science from Zhejiang University in China, a Master degree on International Relations from Syracuse University, and a Ph.D. in Microbiology in University of Alabama at Birmingham.

The Ravengirl


Hey people! WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL. My name is Melody but on here I'm called 'The Ravengirl'. Here on my channel I cover a mixture of interesting and entertaining things, my main subjects being Magnet Fishing and Urbex. Other things include Metal Detecting, Wombling, Geocaching and Gaming. In my own spare time I have also acquired several awards for boxing. So come join me on here and make this channel great! 😁 Please remember to click the Subscribe button and share my videos. Thanks guys. 👍 HAVE A GOOD DAY!