Two Cats Video Production Verified


Прямо сейчас настоящие новости важнее, чем когда-либо прежде. Поддержите честную альтернативную точку зрения ТОК ШОУ В ПРЯМОМ ЭФИРЕ Ваша финансовая помощь будет способствовать возрождению журналистики и поможет защитить наши свободы для будущих поколений. ZELLE: PAY PAL: TELEGRAM КАНАЛ: TELEGRAM ЧАТ: МЫ НА Фейсбуке Мы на YOUTUBE здесь : МЫ НА TWITEER МЫ НА TWITCH АЛЬТЕРНАТИВНЫЙ YOUTUBE Контактный email:

Flat Earth Videos shared by Crystal Skull Explorers


Co-founder Joshua Shapiro of the Crystal Skull Explorers, has been writing various free e-books over the years and especially due to the challenges of the current times. For his sixth free e-book it will be discussing the idea that our world is a Flat circular round disc which is non-rotating or stationary and is covered over by an impregnable dome. To support this free e-book, he is going to have links to a number of videos that he will be recommending people watch which deal with the various sections of the e-book. Some of these videos will be interviews done for the e-book and others produced by a number of various sources. To contact Joshua how to get your copy of this e-book (Book 1 of 2, hope to be ready by early December of 2021), send to him an email at:, subject: Interested in free-ebook on Flat Earth via rumble. - thank you - Joshua :-)

TruthPuke Videos


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