“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”


Welcome! The purpose of this Channel is to share God's Word with as many ppl as possible, uncensored and in spirit & truth. The content you will watch on this channel is very wide, but the frames are simple, the Holy Bible and nothing else. You will NOT find any Prosperity or false teachings or anything like that on this channel! I Upload weekly videos sometimes more. This channel's goal is to encourage and spread the truth about our Jesus and the end times, which are upon us. By subscribing you will help this channel to grow and reach out to even more people that are in need of THE Saviour! Join me as I work in the father's vineyard as a laborer.

Endtimes Watchmen Christian Bible Prophecy


The Endtimes Watchmen are a group of Spirit-led, Bible believing disciples of Jesus Christ who believe that we are living in the final brief moments before Jesus returns. The birth pangs are increasing, the trumpets are starting to sound, the horsemen are being released and the return of Jesus is imminent. In these days of tribulation, we aim to support, pray for, encourage and keep on the narrow path all those who are truly awake, staying alert, and watching out for our coming King.