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New Acropolis / Nouvelle Acropole Canada


Philosophy has always been a search for spiritual truth, a process of going more deeply into the knowledge of nature, the human being and the universe. Every act of searching is at the same time an exercise of freedom of consciousness in opposition to ignorance, confusion and the prejudices that prevent calm and deep reflection. For us, Philosophy is an innate attitude in human beings. Our task is to enable that innate attitude to be expressed in actions that will allow us to develop our full potential and improve our world. We propose a practical philosophy that will be useful for each individual and for society. We do this not only through reading, studying and theoretical knowledge, but also by setting ourselves the goal of learning to live well, with strength and efficiency, at every moment in our lives; taking advantage of the opportunities that arise and learning something positive even from adversity. This is what we mean by «Philosophy as a way of life».

Holy Metropolis of Kykkos and Tillyria - The Holy, Royal and Stavropegic Monastery of the Virgin of Kykkos


Ιερά Μητρόπολις Κύκκου και Τηλλυρίας | Ιερά Βασιλική και Σταυροπηγιακή Μονή της Παναγίας του Κύκκου | Ι. Μ. Κύκκου - I. M. Kykkou Holy Metropolis of Kykkos and Tillyria - The Holy, Royal and Stavropegic Monastery of the Virgin of Kykkos Ιερά Μητρόπολη Κύκκου & Τηλλυρίας | Ιερά Μονή Κύκκου Μοναστήρι Παναγίας του Κύκκου Ιερά Μονή Παναγίας του Κύκκου Holy Metropolis of Kykkos and Tillyria - The Holy, Royal and Stavropegic Monastery of Kykkos - His Eminence Nikiforos, Metropolitan of Kykkos and Tillyria

Police Bodycam Footage


Step into the compelling world of police bodycam footage, where reality unfolds through the unfiltered lens of law enforcement. These unscripted recordings offer a riveting and unvarnished glimpse into the intricate tapestry of human interaction and societal dynamics. From heart-pounding pursuits under city lights to moments of empathy that bridge the gap between officers and citizens, these videos are a raw testament to the challenges and triumphs that define modern policing. With each frame, you're invited to witness the delicate balance between justice and compassion, while the bodycam captures not only actions, but the very essence of accountability in action.

Dynamic Strike: Polish Power in Action


Oto sugestia opisu dla kanału "Dynamiczne Uderzenie": "Witaj na kanale Dynamiczne Uderzenie! Tutaj odkryjesz pasję, moc i niesamowitą energię polskiego rumble. Przeniknij w świat dynamicznych zmagań, intensywnych treningów i ekscytujących walk, gdzie siła i technika spotykają się w harmonijnym tańcu na ringu. Razem wkroczymy w świat nieustającej determinacji i woli walki, podziwiając polskich wojowników, którzy rozbudzają w naszą duszę prawdziwe emocje. Dołącz do naszej społeczności i bądź częścią tego niesamowitego doświadczenia rumble!"