Jokerface Airsoft


Description Hey guys and gals, My name is Jokerface "the airsoft noob" :) and I am giving everyone Airsoft from a NOOBS perspective and adding a little humor on top. If you like airsoft guns or just like airsoft in general, you have clicked on the right place , my friends. I will be giving you airsoft reviews, airsoft guns, airsoft gear and some airsoft game play at some airsoft near me fields. I'm not really an airsoft sniper kind of guy but maybe I'll change my mind in the future! ;) Was geht liebe Airsoft Freunde, mein Name ist Jokerface "the airsoft noob" und ich werde euch Airsoft von einem noob Perspektive bringen. Wenn ihr Airsoft mögt und im Airsoft Verzeichnis seid dann meldet euch ruhig bei mir und meinem Team 0scar6ix9ine. Ich werde euch Airsoft Waffen präsentieren 24 Stunden lang ....hahaha , wenn ich dass nur könnte. Also macht's gut und wir sehen uns vielleicht irgendwann :) Bis bald!!!

Operación Blackbox


Un gentil espacio para el aprendizaje. 📌Síguenos en: ⚡️ Rumble: ⚡️ Instagram: ⚡️ Facebook: ⚡️ Telegram: ⚡️ Twitter (X): ⚡️ Odysee: ⚡️ Youtube: ⚡️ Bitchute: ⚡️ Website:

Profitable Poker


This channel aims to help people who want to be profitable playing poker. Let's learn together. How is it possible to make a living from poker. Learning poker fundamentals, poker math and many other things. Match analysis, and much more. Come with us to the world of poker. And be yourself a profitable poker player. Don't forget if you want to play in a very good online club click the link below to play with us. ---------------------------- ---------------------------- Este canal tem como objetivo ajudar as pessoas que desejam ser lucrativas jogando poker. Vamos aprender juntos. Como é possível viver de poker. Aprendendo os fundamentos do poker, a matemática do poker e muitos outras coisas. Análises de partidas, e muito mais. Vem com a gente ao mundo do poker. E seja você também um jogador lucrativo no poker. Venha jogar com a gente em nosso clube online de poker. ---------------------------- ----------------------------

Europe Supply offshore operation


See the world free. Giving tips and ideas about offshore vessel operation. Please LIKE , SHARE ,COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more future vedios to upload. #travel offshore #ships Thanks 😊 for Supporting my channel. ❤️ 😍👍👊👊 Thanks 😊 for the Subscriber's and LIKES 💪👏🫡 PLEASE 🙏DON'T FORGET TO CONTINUE SUPPORTING MY CHANNEL TO RICH OUR GOLE. AND CONTINUE TO OUR JOURNEY THANKYOU.. THANKYOU ... THANKYOU YOUTUBE 🫡 offshore operation #travel #ship #offshore