Open Source Farmer

22 Followers My name is Sean and I teach Natural Farming. Natural Farming is a farming method handed down and refined over thousands of years, but in secret among tight knit communities & families. It's sudden rise in popularity is spurring a farming revolution. One that will change the face of conventional synthetic & organic agriculture which will shake it to its core. This channel is here to promote free and paid classes and their location. We will also drop some videos and live streams along the way. Long Live the Natural Farmer!

Open Summit


O mundo está cada vez mais Open, a transformação cada vez mais rápida, e para acompanhar este movimento é preciso conteúdo. #openSummit Evento semestral, uma semana de conteúdo on-line com palestrantes e debates relevantes sobre Open Banking, o futuro do sistema financeiro, o universo de Open Insurance e o mercado segurador. #openNews Notícias do ecossistema do Open Finance, PIX, Open Banking, Fintechs, Startups, Bigtechs, Insurtechs, regulações e eventos e outros tópicos relacionados ao mercado financeiro digital. #openTalks Entrevistas com profissionais relevantes do mercado, explorando a trajetória e os desafios enfrentados durante a sua carreira, e sua visão sobre determinados assuntos. #openExperiences Diálogos relevantes do mercado, compartilhando experiências explorando oportunidade e desafios de negócios.

Yoga Art and Stretching Art


Hello Everyone! I am Natalia from Ukraine. Welcome to My Sport&Style Art Channel! I am a Creator of Yoga Art and Stretching Art. Inspired by Renaissance Beauty and Art, I am Combining as Visual Creative Arts — Stretching Skills and Yoga Exercises, Music and Fashion, Visual Design Ideas and More! Yoga and Art are the Best for Mind, Body and Soul. When Yoga is Art, Art is Yoga, Art is Our Life! And We are All — the Creators! I am Grateful to Every Follow of My Channel ❤️ Grateful to Rumble for Being the Best Platform in the Universe, for Being Universal Platform to Unite Hearts, Souls and Minds! I Believe Yoga, Rumble, Beauty and Art Always Unite Hearts!

First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi


The First Children's Embassy in the World, Megjashi- Macedonia, was founded by: Gordana and Dragi Zmijanac in Skopje, on 29.04.1992. Megjashi is a World Association of citizens and represents an international NGO for care, protection and promotion of the children's rights. Children's Embassy Megjashi advocates and protects children's rights, stands for responsible parenthood and respect for the child's personality. Megjashi continuously works on the strengthening of the civil movement for children’s rights and functionality of the institutions in the best interests of the child." 30 YEARS OF EXISTENCE AND WORK OF THE FIRST CHILDREN’S EMBASSY IN THE WORLD MEGJASHI - 30 YEARS OF MORE RIGHTEOUS WORLD FOR THE CHILDREN

The Linux Lighthouse: Your Guide to openSUSE Linux


Unleash the power of openSUSE Linux! This channel dives deep into both openSUSE Leap and Tumbleweed mainly. We'll guide you through installation, explore their strengths, and help you choose the perfect fit for your daily driver needs. Learn essential tricks, discover hidden gems, and join the vibrant openSUSE community. Discover, Learn, & Master Linux. #opensuse #opensuseleap #opensusetumbleweed #linuxdistribution #linux #CommandLine #ShellEnvironment #UserManagement #kernal #linuxcommandline #LinuxTuning #Snapper #tuned #cgroups #YaST #cgroupsv2 #firewalld #AppArmor #SELinux #LinuxTutorial #SUSE #LinuxForBeginners #SysAdmin #CyberSecurity #LinuxTips



Social engineer for everything MMA. In depth analysis of UFC fights all throughout the year. I am a content curator. The following channel is dedicated to covering MMA. This will be a platform for open and respectful dialogue. All content uploaded to this channel is for entertainment and educational purposes only and everything stated is for the purpose of creative debates and discussions with an educated viewership. All content that is uploaded and posted on this channel is protected under the Fair Use Act. All unlawful copyright strikes can and will result in a federal lawsuit. IF you see any of your copyrighted content on any of the videos that are uploaded to this channel and would like for it to be removed, please contact the following email address and it will be removed from the channel immediately.

Welcome to Regular Joe Travels! Please Subscribe to Rumble and YouTube! In 2022 we will focus mostly on Mexico. When the world opens up, we will travel all over!


Hello and welcome! Regular Joe is going on the road! I recently purchased a van to travel in. We are going coast to coast, Florida to Alaska, Mexico to Canada! I look forward to making many memories in this van and sharing them with you. From boondocking at a Cracker Barrel or stealth camping in random locations. I look forward sharing a nomadic life. I doesn’t stop there. I love to travel abroad and that is where we will have the most fun! Thank you for watching my content. Staying busy trying to be the best vlogger I can be makes life a lot easier on me and I'm very humbled by your attention. RegularJoeTravels - Paypal RegularJoeTravels - FB RegularJoeTravels - Instagram RegularJoeGo -Twitter RegularJoeTravels - Twitch Amazon wishlist for the channel: Merch is available NOW: Regular Joe