Game N Chat Verified


Pretty new to this :D So sorry for my noobness. \\\\nI want to use this channel to do letsplays of different games. Maybe Interview different people and talk about anything. \\\\n\\\\nSend me a message if you want to be interviewed while we play a game together. :) \\\\n\\\\n❤ If you want to support me, feel free to like ,share and subscribe :) also, Rumbles tokens is also welcome :D \\n \\\\n\\\\nAlso, here are my crypto addresses too BTW :) ❤ \\\\n\\\\nBTC: bc1q0j7fjtlfpctdps4u60t7qu5t8dc46rngdtdffq \\\\n\\\\nETH or LINK: 0x9154Ba3799f2640e67B07F779F66B6d97aBEA2a2 \\\\n\\\\nADA: addr1qyzp9usm79nz89l8tkq70vh4wr0ejxt2g9apecjsq0ce5ksyztephutxywt7whvpu7e02uxlnyvk5st6rn39qql3nfdq42mek7

Star Citizen Game


I'm streaming Star Citizen , I mostly play without commentary, but you can ask me questions, I'll be happy to answer you all. Hello and thank you for visiting and watching my channel, if you want to enter the game, use my SC code when registering, which will add 5000aUEC of game currency, see the link below. , and as a bonus to everyone who registers and subsequently purchases the #StarCitizen game package, I will donate another 50,000 aUEC to their account! Star Citizen isn't out yet, but it's still being played by thousands of people around the world. It is still in development and we are early access testers. It can be you too!

Serous Cervelat Gaming


Hello, Thanks for checking us out (EPGaming Studios) On our channel we want to provide you with 4K Stunning Videos for you and your friends to enjoy. Yes we do post gaming news updates but also thrive with high quality videos. We render all videos in 4K Up scaling programs to provide gameplay you may not be able to get at home. Supported Game Pages: Inside: Weekend Specials Video Hosts: Blackops4 videos are only available on Daily motion Chanel:

Dirty Old Plumber games


Hey there I hope all is well. I'm here just to play some games and share them with all of you. On a sidenote I have worked all my life (since I was 12 mowing lawns). I don't believe in handouts I'm a true believer in working for my money. That's why I'm here. I can't work on kind of doctors orders and that fact that I can't even bend over or pick up my right leg or pick up anything halfway heavy. Long story short the doctors don't know what it is and know what it isn't. It even hurts to sit for to long. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to watch my videos and reading this post. I'll keep updating over on patreon when I get it up and running. Again Thank you for taking the time out of your day. If you would like to donate or start a membership please head over to



Real Live Stream Market Analysis & Live Trading to provide Financial Literacy & Financial Freedom to the masses as this is the only way to be truly free. The first step in breaking free from the Matrix is to stop doing the same routine over and over and expecting different results. I believe that is the definition of insanity. It isn't easy but nothing worth doing ever is. Yes the narrative that the mainstream media and people that buy into what the mainstream media pushes is that 9 out of 10 traders fail but I believe those numbers are skewed. It is true that a lot of new traders fail but I believe the ones that fail either blow up their account before they actually give themselves a chance to learn and or quit before they give themselves a chance. I am here to show you the right steps and or rules you should implement to make sure that you give yourself a chance to succeed and not either quit or blow up before you actually learn to become profitable. Stay tuned to my Live Streams to not only learn about these steps but to also see how to implement them in way that manages your risk while giving you a chance to actually learn how to become profitable. Again not financial advice but I do believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be free like Neo and wake up from this Matrix which is going to clock in and bust your ass just to make someone else rich while also spending less time with your family and friends and the people that matter the most. There's also something to be said about being your own boss and the master of your destiny. This mindset is for those that are willing to bet on themselves and not be at the mercy or depend on someone or something else for their well-being. Not to mention the sweeping layoffs and uncertainty moving forward as we enter some of the most unique and volatile times we've ever seen in this economy and quite frankly on a larger scale the world. This is not meant to be FUD or some "Doom & Gloom" type rhetoric but at the same time we have to keep it real and when [shite] hits the fan, ultimately you have to depend on you and yourself only. And ABSOLUTELY no one is going to look out for you like you so therefore it's more advantageous for you to be able to provide for yourself and your family without having to depend on someone or some company to employ you and put food on your table aka being self-made and a boss. These are the things that are most important to me and should be to you as well. But again you have to be willing bet on yourself and quite frankly, if you aren't willing to bet on yourself, you can't possibly expect anyone else to. Just keeping it real so again see you on the next one. Don't forget to like, subscribe, hit the bell and get the hell over to Patreon & Discord and sign up for the Daily Morning Briefings & Watchlist, which gives you that edge, Bredgeron. Peace

GekokujoWarGaming Verified


Daily videos. Totally not 2A training. Absolutely underrated game reviews of underrated games and hidden gems. The only comments I will ever delete here are spoilers for games to retain the catharsis of my viewers that have never seen the games all the way through (to not break immersion, you see, and to protect any of my viewers that are stupid enough to click on those scammer links). Anytime you see me talking to myself in the comments, the missing pieces are from conversations and comments THE ORIGINAL POSTER DELETED, not me. Bring it on, just be ready to take some, too. Edit* I might start deleting the fake marketing spam, simply because they are literal children spamming my channel with scam websites. I might start doing that soon, I dunno.

Reforge Gaming Verified


Reforge Gaming is a live talk show hosted by Lono covering the hottest and newest topics in variety gaming news with unmatched interaction, live event coverage and question and answer segments. We talk about the facts of the news, give our opinions on them and then get your opinion on them. The official gaming channel of ReforgeMedia. It is a live gaming podcast, weekdays @9:30 AM EST YOUTUBE - DISCORD - COFFEE - GLASSES - Code LONO - TWITTER -