Charm City Paranormal Verified


Charm City Paranormal is a paranormal investigation team based in Baltimore, MD. that travels around the United States exploring haunted locations to better understand various aspects of the paranormal while uncovering interesting stories of spirits and entities that dwell within. ​ Charm City Paranormal combines the classic POV/Found Footage style of paranormal videos with cinematic visuals and rich historical background to each location that aims for viewers to challenge their own thoughts and beliefs on the afterlife in a visually appealing piece of work that may change what you believe about life after death.

AlterWorld Paranormal


Paranormal investigations. Without the bullsh*t. This channel is the place to catch up with AlterWorld Paranormal, a family-run team of paranormal investigators, amateur historians, adventurers and explorers based in Toledo, Ohio. We are not scientists and we do not pretend to be. However, we strive to be SCIENTIFIC. We hope that, one day, we can help mainstream science finally acknowledge the existence of the paranormal. After all, just because something isn't seen or fully detected by human technology does not mean it doesn't exist. And what, exactly, is the paranormal? We don't know, and we will not insult your intelligence by pretending that we have all the answers. But we will try like hell to find them.

Join, or Die: News, Politics, History, and Liberty


Historian, writer, and commentator, Dr. Jesse Roberts, breaks down the news, politics, culture and history that is relevant today. Please Like, Subscribe, and Share. Streaming Everyday Monday-Saturday! Follow me on X: Link to Substack: Gettr: Parler: Gab: Website: Support my work: